Friday, December 09, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Santa Claus came to the Auburn Birthing Center yesterday. I took the kiddos and they both did amazing! TJ really wanted to talk with Santa but then clammed up as soon as he climbed up on his lap.
TJ's shirt says, "Dear Santa, my sister did it!"
The woman responsible for my children!

Laundry Basket

Who needs expensive toys when your Mommy has laundry baskets?!

Turkey Day!

I know that Thanksgiving was last month, but I just got around to uploading the pictures. It was the first Thanksgiving where I prepared ALL the food.....stupid me forgot to take a picture of our beautiful apricot glazed turkey breast, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, herbed bread and pumpkin cheesecake. I did get some shots of the kids though!
TJ spent the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving at my mom's. They made a hand turkey and a balloon turkey.
Then Ella got a hold of one of the balloons.
This was taken one random Saturday before church. She doesn't seem all that happy to be wearing her new, and super cute, pink dress.

Sibling Rivalry

I know that one day, my kids will hate each other. It happens. But for now, I am trying to enjoy the fact that they love each other. Ella will make a screech and wait for TJ's replied screech. She then will crawl to where he squealed from. It is like her own version of echolocation. TJ loves on Ella all the time. I have to remind myself that as long as he isn't hurting her, it is ok. Here are some recent shots of all the sibling love at our house.
TJ is always smooshing all over Ella. She doesn't seem to mind.
Don't they look suspicious?!
What are those things in your mouth and how do I get some?!
He was playing behind her exersaucer.
The he fell asleep behind the exersaucer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All Grown Up

This past weekend our Worship Pastor got married. We used the occasion to get all dressed up. Heck, I even had TJ's hair cut! I was uploading some pictures today and I was dumbstruck by how grown up my little TJ has become!

I cropped out Ayron and myself for several reasons. I don't like pictures of myself and Ayron's eyes were closed.

Here he is at the reception drinking his "coffee" which was really just water out of the coffee cup.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

How to Turn an Ordinary Boy into a Superhero

Step one: Find a seemingly innocent young boy.

Step Two: Find him a small, look alike toy.

Step 3: Teach him the superhero pose. Also, teach him to be nice to any random strawberries he finds.

Step 4: Test his ability to fly.

Step 5: Teach him to be friendly with fellow, look a like, superheros.

Step 6: Remind him that even superheros need to hold Daddy's hand when crossing the street.

Step 7: Reward your superhero's hard work with a treat.

Step 8: Allow your Clark Kent time to rest with his doggy.

Step 9: Hide the kryptonite!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Time

Thanks to PawPaw Mike (Mr. B for those of you who had him for sixth grade science at DMS), we scored 4 free pumpkins! I also decided to purchase a "large" pumpkin from the store in hopes of fitting Isabella into a pumpkin for some pictures. Well, I forgot that I grow rather large children and that my not quite 7 month old is really as long as a 10 month old....fitting her in a pumpkin was a challenge. Not to take challenges lightly, we made it work!

Too Cute Tuesday

I spent the morning clearing off my work laptop. I was just awarded some money to purchase a new laptop. The current laptop is falling apart, I am not joking. The only thing connecting the top screen to the bottom keyboard is the display wire (I don't know the technical term...the wire that makes the screen actually show what I am typing). The poor thing has been tripped over, knocked off desks, and just plain used to bits...literal bits. A piece of the outside plastic fell off this morning in my hands.

As I was cleaning the laptop off, I finally condensed all my pictures to one flash drive. I found these pics from last week and they made me smile. I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have two beautiful and healthy children...who know two goofy looking people could create such gorgeous kids!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Fun

The kiddos before church one Saturday. I thought TJ was looking extra cute, so I took a picture.
Scooter found a stick. TJ stole Scooter's stick and ran like lightening because Scooter started chasing him. They chased each other for 10 minutes. I know, running with a stick, not a smart idea...but thankfully, no one was harmed during the process....except the stick. Scooter bit it in two.
TJ throwing leaves at me. At one point Ayron threw a handful at TJ (who was screaming), thus filling TJ's mouth with leaves, thus causing TJ to gag, which caused me to gag.

He finally stopped running long enough to sit down. I love his hair in this picture!

Getting ready to throw leaves at Mommy.

Favorite shot of the afternoon.

Isabella didn't really care for the leaves after about 30 seconds.

Inspecting the it edible?

I will find out!

My happy girl!

She started to fall backwards, and I didn't stop her. I just took a picture. I'm a mean mom!

Such a serious, yet lovable face!

If the first leaf was edible, what about this one?

Baby feet!!