Monday, September 25, 2006

Another Bad Week... my town's life. Fair week. Apparently this year is the 75th DeKalb County Free Fall Fair. Yeah rah!! While the ACD week brings in a lot of people to our town, those people have money, and spend it on classic cars and collectible items. The people that come to our town during the fair week...well...are scuzy. It's like this is the one week a year when all of the freaks from the tri-state area feel comfortable enough to venture out of their houses and travel to the courthouse square. Not to mention those wonderful people that "Poor Jack" hires to "run" (I put it in quotes because they don't really work, they just take ticket and smoke) the rides. There are good things about the fair. Funnel cakes, elephant ears, the 4-H side of the whole thing. But the biggest kicker is the slogan. "The biggest family reunion!" I call it the biggest gathering of freaks. Unfortunately, I am going up there tonight. It will be crazy since it is the opening night of the fair. I am going to "work" the TR booth with my husband. Who knows, maybe I'll meet some interesting people...yeah right!

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