Saturday, May 06, 2006

Any time is a good time...

to blog! Picture this. I am quietly sleeping in on a Saturday morning which I never get to do and I get a phone call. On the other end is my sister screaming and crying. Not knowing what to do, I grab some pants and my left over bottle of Darvavet (prescription pain killers are valuable in almost any situation) and quickly get into town. My sister has managed to mess up her back and I am currently trying not to yawn because she so badly wants to, but can't becauase her back has decided that to yawn would only upset it. I am currently wedged between the wall and her legs. She is laying like she is giving birth (I once jokingly said "I see the head") with her feet in the sturrups (my knees). It's oddly comfortable. Hey, I'll do anything to get out of doing laundry.

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