Monday, May 01, 2006


Well I just finished with one of my finals. I think I did ok, maybe a B. What I'm mad about is the stupid extra paper I wrote for the class since I did the class independent study. I followed everything to the T and she still gave me a C. She said, "I thought you'd use more current articles." Well hell, 5 out of my 9 sources were current articles. The other 4 sources were things we have read for class. Grr, oh well. I'm to the point where as long as I get a C in the class I don't care. I still have one more final to do. It is a "take home" which sometimes can be harder than real final and I really don't have the ambition to do it, especially after the paper incident, but I have nothing better to do since Ayron has a soccer game around Ossian and won't be home till late tonight. Grrr. I'm resisting the urge to say "chuck it" and go shopping for my graduation outfit.

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