Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Scared Poopless

With only once week of college left, I am beginning to be scared poopless (trying to cut back on the swearing). I think my anxiety comes from the fact that after like 18 years of schooling, I'll temporarily be done (those continuing education credits to keep the license current) and the list of stuff I have to get done in this next week!

1.) Type last paper for Chaucer class that I forgot about (Check)
2.) Type last journal for African Lit (Check)
3.) Study and take my verbal test for middle English
4.) Study for and Take African Lit final
5.) After Friday (when it's posted) write and send Chaucer final
6.) Take the Praxis Test for my license on Saturday
7.) Call families to set up tutoring appointments
8.) Find summer job to suppliment tutoring money
9.) Sew (who am I kidding), have mom sew my color on my gown
10.) Figure out who is actually coming to graduation
11.) Walk across that stage (with my honors cords damn it, opps...) grab my diploma and run!!!!!!!!

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