Monday, April 24, 2006

Holy Crapy Batman, We've Lost Track of Time!

Well, I have done something today that I have never done. I don't have a paper done on time! I have never turned a paper in late, but I guess that no longer holds true. I thought that I had one more week before "dead" week here on campus to do my final paper for my Chaucer class. I looked at a calander today during my 4th period class (keep in mind it was silent reading day) and I want "Oh crap!" So I frantically emailed the prof and explained that I momentarily couldn't read a calendar and had screwed up! I am hoping the fact that I actually attend class and have turned in all the other paper's on time will make him a kind and gentle man! I've been off all day because of this!

Oh a better note. We found out that when Ayron hits 90 days he gets insurance! Oh, he also gets $100 for every mower he sells, and he sold one Saturday! Yeah, thats an extra $100 bucks to put towards medical bills!!

Well I should get to class so I can pretend to pay attention while I work on this stupid late paper!!

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