...but they are there when you do. Firefighters. This past week, the Waterloo Volunteer Fire Department lost a member of their family. Travis Miller passed away in his sleep after helping battle a fire.
I drove past the funeral home hosting his viewing last night and the sight of the fire trucks and firefighters in their dress blues got me. I can't imagine the pain his family is going through.
I know many firefighters. My brother in law is the Chief of a volunteer department and my sister in law serves with that same department. My sister in law's brother (did you follow that odd family tree jump?) is a volunteer fighter as well.
I don't think people stop to realize what firefighters, especially volunteer firefighters, do to keep us safe. They are the people who go out during storms to spot for tornadoes, the ones who drag trees out of the road at 6 am on their birthday, the ones who have permission to leave work to go battle fires. They give up family time, regardless of the holiday (Do you realize how many idiots start deep fryer fires around Thanksgiving and Christmas?). They get called out in the middle of the night to help with medical emergencies. Volunteer firefighters risk their lives as a hobby. They don't get a personal pay check for running into burning buildings. They don't get paid to sit through hours of training on how to put out fires, save lives, use equipment, etc. They do it because they care.
I have seen my brother in law in action (a rekindled house fire) and let me tell you, it's scary! What person in their right mind RUNS into a structure on fire?! I have seen the back of his coat and helmet burned from the flames. I have to wonder why people run into fires, I wouldn't. But as much as I wonder, I appreciate them even more!
So if you see a firefighter (volunteer or paid), thank them! They deserve it! You might not appreciate them now, but if you need their services, they will come!
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