This blog was written in an attempt to vent hopefully organize my thoughts.
So work is getting frustrating lately. The other office is growing like crazy and apparently they feel that I should be forgoing what I feel is important to work on their menial tasks. It's just frustrating. I did not go to school for 5 years to not enjoy my job.
I am beginning to wonder if I made the right choice to hang around for another year. I think I know that I will make it, but I also know that it won't be without a fight. I feel like I am taken advantage of, but when I speak up I get labeled "bitchy." I feel like I don't really fit in with most of my co-workers and it's like being back in middle school again. If I take my ipod and listen to my music while I do the crap work, then I am not being social. If I try to participate in their drama filled office, then I get looked at like I am some kind of contagious outsider.
I genuinely asked my boss if I would have time to get things done for my program and he told me
"probably not." So why do my students have to suffer because another office is busy? I need time to rearrange and prepare for this upcoming school year, but apparently no one else sees it but me.
I am trying to pray about this whole situation but it just brings frustration and tears because I don't know if I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Do I stay here and put up with another year of being stepped on or do I try get out of dodge while I still have some dignity?
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