Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Fun

The kiddos before church one Saturday. I thought TJ was looking extra cute, so I took a picture.
Scooter found a stick. TJ stole Scooter's stick and ran like lightening because Scooter started chasing him. They chased each other for 10 minutes. I know, running with a stick, not a smart idea...but thankfully, no one was harmed during the process....except the stick. Scooter bit it in two.
TJ throwing leaves at me. At one point Ayron threw a handful at TJ (who was screaming), thus filling TJ's mouth with leaves, thus causing TJ to gag, which caused me to gag.

He finally stopped running long enough to sit down. I love his hair in this picture!

Getting ready to throw leaves at Mommy.

Favorite shot of the afternoon.

Isabella didn't really care for the leaves after about 30 seconds.

Inspecting the leaf....is it edible?

I will find out!

My happy girl!

She started to fall backwards, and I didn't stop her. I just took a picture. I'm a mean mom!

Such a serious, yet lovable face!

If the first leaf was edible, what about this one?

Baby feet!!

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