Monday, June 14, 2010

10 Years.

Saturday night we went to Ayron's ten year high school reunion. I started realizing that if he has been out of high school 10 years, then I have been out 9. It seems like 9 years is a lot of time, but then again, it doesn't.

I was amazed by one of his former peers who now lives in Switzerland. She is married to a gentleman that I went to high school with and while they were living in Boston they both decided they wanted to live overseas. So they up and moved. I can't imagine moving across the state, let alone across the ocean. I can't imagine living in a country were you don't speak the language and your parents aren't close. I admire anyone who has the knowledge and emotional strength to move to a different country. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I started thinking about what I had managed to accomplish since graduating high school. I earned a BS, got married, bought a house, started a family, got a great job. It may not be a new life in a foreign country, but I'm happy with what I have accomplished. I have strong family ties and a job (although it can be frustrating) that is rewarding and allows me to inspire young minds that would normally be misunderstood in a public high school. No, it's no foreign country, but I will stick with what I have.

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