I hate to post about prego things because I know what it's like to be trying to get pregnant and reading peoples blogs about how happy they are, etc. I have several friends who are currently trying to get pregnant or just recently experienced a miscarriage. I hope they know how genuinely concerned I am for them and how badly I want them to conceive. That being said, blogging helps me clear my mind and share information with those far away relatives.
This past weekend I had 3 random people stop me and tell me, "I have this feeling you are having a boy." Two of those people didn't even know I was pregnant! I was wearing a baggy hooded sweatshirt so I didn't look all big and bloated (like I feel). It struck me as odd because I have never had that feeling. When I was pregnant with TJ I never thought, "Yep, I know it's a boy." We had to wait an extra month to find out with TJ was because his long legs were crossed and blocking our view!
I would love to have a boy, but I also would love to have a girl. As long as the child is healthy, we don't care. Heck, even if the child isn't healthy, we will love it anyway. I guess I look at it this way....if we have another boy, we already have all the boy clothes, toys, etc. Since my kids will be almost exactly 3 years apart (probably within 1 week of being exactly 3 years apart) the seasons of the clothes will match up. If it's a girl....she'll be wearing a lot of blue and sports themed sleeper sacks and onesies around the house.
I have a friend who is also pregnant with her second and probably about two weeks behind me. Her first child was a girl and they are hoping for a boy (Come on, we all know that Josh needs a boy to go hunting and do all that stuff with! Not saying that Claire can't do that too. I can just picture Kelly looking out her back window to see two shadows in the tree stand, one of Josh and the other of child #2). We have joked about if she has a boy and I have a girl, that we should just swap all of our clothes, so that would help save a lot of money for us if we do have a girl!
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