Yesterday I was playing with Taylor and I was thinking about when would be a good time to have a second child. My sister and I are 7 1/2 years apart and in my mind, that is waaayyy to long of a span. I want them close in age, yet I want Taylor to be more independent than he is now. Thinking about all those things, I changed my facebook status to say, "Carma is thinking about #2." Of course, some people thought I was talking about poo...but eventually they figured it out.
Then at 6:30 last night we got a phone call from my mother-in-law asking why I was at the doctors all afternoon. Ayron explained that Taylor had his one year check up and shots. JoEllen said, "Oh, so Carma saw the doctor too." Ayron was confused so he asked his mom, "Um, no. Why?"
Come to find out, someone had read my status, automatically assumed we were either pregnant or trying again, and decided to tell my in-laws.
Seriously...if I was pregnant, don't you think I'd tell my family first instead of posting it on facebook? Just because we are thinking about #2, doesn't mean we are trying or even ready for #2. Why do people jump to these conclusions?
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