This post is not intended to be sad and sappy, rather a post to remember the crazy times had by all!!
2255 B, CR 27 will never be the same. Mr. and Mrs. B have sold the cabin. It is time for change in their lives. They no longer need to put forth the time and energy needed to maintain the cabin that we all grew up in. I mean we...all of us.
That cabin has housed people from all over the world. Some for just a brief summer experience, others for an entire school year. We jokingly began to call it, "IHOB: International House Of Bennett's."
The house welcomed everyone and their crazy antics. I remember one winter when all the Bennett kid's had friends over for a snowball fight. Well, due to a snow emergency, everything north of US 6 was closed and we were all snowed in. The Bennett's merely dug out all the spare blankets and pillows and we had one heck of sleep over! Don't forget Jarrod and Nick's Sunday chat's between both bathrooms. The fact that the walls didn't actually reach the ceiling. That sun room saw it's fair share of Euchre and Caboodle games (Marc always cheated!). The many pool parties and the pool side church service/baptismal. The campfires back in the woods and the fireworks across the road.
Who could forget the often seen, but never touched, Twoie (I am guessing on the spelling), or Bear and his chair on the deck. Don't forget Jade and Pudge and the numerous kittens.
That house is full of memories for people other than the family that lived there. I think I spent so much time there, they probably could have charged me rent! What are your favorite memories about the cabin?
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