This weekend I was thinking of all the things I have wanted to do in my life (this occurred due to driving past Grade A Tattoo...this will come into play later). I started mentally creating a list of all the things I have always wanted to do, yet always come up with an excuse not to actually do them. It's not really a "bucket list" because I am not dying, nor am I in any hurry to start crossing these things off my list. It's just a list. I hope that by actually putting the list "out there" I can figure out what is keeping me from actually doing these things I want to do.
These are in no particular order. I would like to thank everyone now for NOT lecturing me on my list. I have thought through everything and let me remind you, this is just a list. I am 26 years old and am a "big girl." What I do decide to do or not do is my business. Thus ends the lecture for me. On to the list!
1. Get my nose pierced. Not a bull ring or anything. Just a small stud. Tiny perhaps. I know several teachers who have them, yet I wonder how professional it looks in an interview. Just a small sparkle looks nice on people.
2. Get a tattoo. We were driving past Grade A Tattoo this weekend and I saw their sign, "$50 Halloween Themed Tattoos." Really? Halloween themed? I wouldn't get a Halloween themed tattoo, but I have a couple of designs in mind. It would be something that means something to me. It would be drawn by a friend of mind (I don't want a cookie cutter style tattoo). It would be someplace on my body that could be hidden. The tattoo would be for me, not for anyone else. It would be small and tasteful. Heck I could get it and no one would know about it, yet I haven't.
3. Sing karaoke at a bar. Seeing as how I choose not to sing in public, this won't happen. It would require A LOT of alcohol and a large group of people willing to make a fool of themselves with me. Seeing as how I don't drink, this really doesn't look like it will happen. I hate watching American Idol, especially when the people think they really can sing and they can't. No need to put myself thru that kind of embarrassment.
4. Be a back up singer on tour. Back up singing is drastically different that #3. You are not the person the crowd came to see, thus, less pressure. Seeing as how lately all the backup singers I see are large women of the African American persuasion, I don't think this will happen either. I have offered to be a "forkette" (inside joke) for my friend who is a recording artist, but that has yet to happen.
5. Go on tour with a Broadway style show. I would love to be a roadie or techie for a show like Stomp or RENT. Oh how I would love RENT! They would have to tape my mouth shut because I would sing along to every song!
6. Backpack through Europe. I have been lucky enough to travel across seas twice now. I wish I had been a bit older and more mature so that I would have appreciated the opportunities that had been given to me.
7. Parasail in the Alps. I saw people doing this while I was in Austria and I asked someone and they wouldn't allow me to do it since I was an American an they didn't know if they could trust my insurance, yada yada. I never even asked my mom, I knew that answer would be, "No!"
8. Climb a tree. I haven't done that in a really long time. Seems simple right? My neighbor going up had an awesome willow tree in the backyard. It was great for climbing. We would spend hours lost in it's branches. Hiding from parents and siblings. Pretending we were pirates or thieves. It was a great time.
9. I wish I had the "balls" to tell several people how I truly feel and not feel guilty later. I am a people pleasure. If that means keeping my thoughts and opinions inside, I'll do it. There are several people I would like to confront (I don't mean in a bad way) and really tell them what I think of several issues. Yet, I sit here and "hide" behind my blog.
10. Scuba dive. I've never had the chance, but if I had, I would do it! I would not leave my cell phone in my pocket like Ayron did. Ocean water instantly kills a cell phone!
11. Be a designer and create clothes that fit real people. I have a hard time finding clothes that actually fit me. Just because I have a bigger tummy doesn't mean that I have a huge behind or thighs to match. I just have a tummy people! When it comes to Ayron, if we can find his inseam, the designers assume he is a toothpick. If we can find his waist, they assume he is a midget. It is very hard to find a 44 (he might be down to a 42 no2) x 36 or 38 pant! Oh, I would so totally design a comfortable bra (without underwire!) for odd sized people as well.
12. Learn how to fly. I don't mean, "jump off a roof and hope I land safely." I'd like to learn how to actually fly a plane.
13. Dance. See here's the thing. I have been banned from dancing in 40 of the 50 states and that is only because I haven't been to the other 10 states. I don't dance. I feel like I look like a giant dork tripping over her feet, so I choose to sit. I know this recently upset Tyler and for that I apologize, but I just don't dance. I never had dance lessons growing up and have no clue what I am doing. I used to do that macarana and the chicken dance is easy, but beyond that, I'm toast. I know this really upsets Ayron, but I just don't dance.
That is all I can think of for now....what have you always wanted to do and what is stopping you?
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