Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Year End Wrap Up

It doesn't feel like the year should be coming to an end. Heck, it didn't even feel like Christmas time this past weekend. 2010 had it's ups and downs and I think we are finishing on a high note, so I am thankful for that.

I am curious to see what 2011 holds for us. It seems we have several avenues we could take, but are just being patient and praying for wisdom and guidance. I think He is using this time to teach me patience, so it is especially frustrating for me.
The holiday's were good. We had plenty of family time and I enjoyed watching TJ discover his new toys (nothing fancy or electronic) and interact with all his cousins and relatives. We did have some heart break. My great Uncle CJ passed and we are dealing with a reoccurring cancer on my husband's side. I know these things only bring us closer and make us stronger, but they still made the holiday's bittersweet.

I don't make resolutions, why set myself up for failure? I am simply looking forward to what He has in store for us and meeting the little girl that will make our family complete!

Here are some pictures from Christmas for your viewing pleasure (that and I can't get on facebook from here to upload them, so at least this way I can get some of the pictures out there).
Santa (aka: Pat Bennett) showed up at Leah's house, so we had to go say "hi."
Tj wouldn't get off the floor to go to the Christmas Eve service at church.
How many Reeves does it take to build a train table?

Scooter guarding the "wrapped" train table.

Tj on Christmas morning.

The shirt my mom got TJ for next Christmas.

My youngest niece modeling her new fashion skills.

My mom decided that Marisa's new life like baby doll needed tending. The baby actually blinks, coos, sucks on a pacifier, etc. Mom was rocking it and it was hysterical!

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