Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Unavoidable Disappointment

They say that God works in mysterious ways, and I agree. It's just that sometimes I wish he wasn't so mysterious. Then I wonder, is he being mysterious or are my ears turned off to what he is trying to tell me? We were supposed to close on our house tonight. A called me this morning and told me that some paperwork that is neccessary for closing has yet to be sent back to our mortgage person. It's nothing that we could have changed, it's nothing that our mortgage person could have changed. Whoever is supposed to fill a certain paper out, did not get that form back to our mortgage company in time. Long story short, we aren't closing tonight. It seems that whenever I get my hopes up about anything, it all comes crashing down on my head. This is why I try not to get overly excited about anything. So, I woke up feeling yicky (feverish, sore throat, huge tonsils) and now I really feel icky.

We did go to Home Depot last night and get some supplies for the house, $133 in supplies to be exact. We had to get three big tubs of mud, 1 bag of joint compound, 2 gallons of primer, 2 rolls of blue painting tape, a contractors bundle of brown tape, and two boxes of painting plastic. It was not exactly my favorite shopping spree, but we did decide that we can afford new counter tops sooner than we had planned! Still, if I got to choose between shopping at Home Depot or shopping at any store in the mall, I'd choose the mall.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see you at Home Depot last night. granted, i was in for only about 4 minutes to pick up a double gang light switch cover for my remodel...but still, i didn't see you guys.
Be sure you let us know when you're moving and if you need any help! it's not like my mustang can hold a lot of cargo, but my little muscles can lift a plate or two at a time, i think. let us know anything we can do for your move!

Carma said...

We aren't sure when we are moving now. We are hoping to close on Thursday, spend the weekend and the next week sprucing up the place, and then possibly moving the weekend after turkey day. Who really knows right now though.