Thursday, June 11, 2009


(This is my "letter" to the morons who decided to break into cars on IWO street during the early morning hours of June 10, 2009).

Dear Idiots,

I bet you think you are pretty slick. Breaking into several cars, stealing money and a pocket knife. I would like to inform you that you are not slick, you are slimy as well as stupid. I don't know much about stealing, seeing as how I've never done it and never will do it, but I know more than you do.

For instance, if you are going to pick a street to burglarize, don't pick the street that the sheriff, ex sheriff, head of dispatch, 2 local police, 2 sheriff deputies, and 1 state police officer live on. We don't take crime lying down in our town, let alone our street.

I have to wonder why you only took a pocket knife from Mr. M's truck. Were you too blind to see the 4 guns in his backseat and the boxes of ammunition (He had gone to the shooting range that day)? If you wanted to be "armed" so badly that you broke into vehicles, why only take a pocket knife.

Secondly, you used my stolen credit card at 2 gas stations, McDonalds, and two Meijer stores. Let me tell you something....ALL OF THOSE PLACES HAVE CAMERAS. Here is another hint, when someone reports a card stolen and you try to use it, it comes up on the Meijer computer as STOLEN CARD. I bet you didn't know that the Angola Meijer has THE BEST security cameras in the area. Thanks for being dumb enough to steal my card and then use it at the place with the best cameras!

Thank you for ditching my ATM card RIGHT NEXT TO MY BANK. You are moronic. You made me wonder, "Did they try to use my card at the ATM machine? I called the bank and they are running the card now and pulling the video as I type this.

I bet you didn't know that the two police officers they assigned to this case are friends of my husband. One went to high school with Ayron and the other one does some part time security work for the company my husband works for. Thanks! It has been nice catching back up with them as they work to NAIL YOUR BUTT TO THE WALL!!!

Did you know you were robbing someone who works for community corrections and knows the law? Were you expecting me to shrug my shoulders and say "Oh well." I won't! You may have gotten some cash and bought some crap at Meijer, but in the end, JUSTICE WILL WIN. I will not be made to feel insecure and violated in my own home. I will not allow you to make my safe neighborhood feel corrupt. I have talked to all my neighbors, we all know. You better believe when we have a name to match with your slimy face I will tell everyone your name too.


Carma "I'm not afraid of you and your slimy ways" Reeves


Kianne said...

FYI - this is not a new development in Auburn. They hit our end of town a few weeks ago. The cops, including the one that lives a couple of houses down from us whose wife's van was vandalized, said that it's nearly impossible to catch these guys. But if they do, could you remind them that they owe us for a busted drivers side window and I want my $10 and Carrie Underwood CD back!

Carma said...

We have them on video. It is a group of teenage boys. They think they are from my side of town and we have them on video at every location they attempted to use my card. They are running them through the new facial recognizition software and if that doesn't ID them, we are going to go in and see if we recognize them.

Sarah Lugibihl said...

Jake had his old pickup broken into 4 years ago. They stole his stereo and gym bag...However, they didn't notice the garage door opener, or they could have walked with lots of $$$ worth of power tools! We called the police and they told us it had been happening a lot in our part of town. We have never heard back from the police dept. about anything. Hope the thieves liked Jake's dirty gym boxers...served them right! LOL!!

Carma said...

We go this afternoon to look at the security videos from both Meijers, the Speedway, the Marathon, and McDonalds. They are hoping we recognize the either the kids or the car. I have to wonder if it's a former student, but none of those kids know where I live. I hope we recognize the kids or the car! I wonder if we could bring along my cousin who just graduated from high school....if they are from DeKalb she might be able to recognize them.