Monday, June 01, 2009

Fun Trip To The Park

Yesterday my family was helping with a graduation party at the church. I saw that my two younger nieces wanted to help, but were better at being in the way. I decided to take them to the park in Waterloo. When we got there, a birthday party was beginning and the amount of people at the park was rapidly increasing.

I noticed a kid (I'm going to guess around 8 years old) at the top of the play structure shooting at things with a bb gun. He began to shoot at a metal sign and the bbs were flying all over the place. A parent with the party asked the kid to stop, but the kid refused.

I sent a text to Nathan D (1/5 Mayor of Waterloo) and asked him what I should do. I didn't want to call 911 but I don't have the phone number for the Waterloo Marshall memorized (seeing as how I don't live there). Nathan called the Town Marshall and about 3 minutes later 2 police officers showed up. They questioned the boy and his father. Once the police showed up the father suddenly forgot how to speak or understand English (how convenient). The police took the gun away and talked to the father. Once the police had left, the father then proceeded to inform his son about how the "f-ing b*@#%es had called the cops and it was our fault the gun was taken away." He was yelling this in Spanish for the whole playground to hear. I don't speak Spanish, but what I did understand I didn't like! I grabbed the girls and we high tailed it back to the church for the rest of the party!


Anonymous said...

Teach your son how to use it properly and NOT take it to a public park, and you won't have to deal with the ppl you then called nasty names b/c they were trying to keep someone from getting hurt!!! GRRRRRR

Was it a reall BB gun, or one of those AirSofts?

Aunt L

Carma said...

It was a real bb gun.

Anonymous said...


Aunt L