Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris "Who Cares" Hilton

I am sick of all the Paris Hilton publicity. I was watching the Sunday Morning Show on CBS and Ben Stein did an excellent editorial type monologue. I am going to search for it on the net today, but for now, here is what it boils down to.

Why do we care so much about Paris Hilton and her crazy antics and why is so much of our news time devoted to her when there are a million other people who need our time and attention?

That is one thing I really don't like about our country. Why do we idolize someone who obviously has addiction problems and struggles with obeying the most basic laws? These people are not good role models for our youth, yet me give them a ton of time on tv and space in our magazines. No wonder our youth has problems. They see people like Paris doing stupid stuff and getting away with it (I don't consider her jail sentence a harsh punishment) so they think they can. It just disgusts me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I share your distaste for how much media attention this is getting. As i started to write this, i realized it's ironic, because now we're talking about Hilton and i'm sure she likes that...

Irony is the spice of life, right?