I found out this morning that I will have to "let go" of one of my staff tomorrow. I am not sad to see this person go. I have been waiting to replace this person. This person doesn't do their job. I finally have a replacement, and for that I am truly grateful. It means that I don't have to worry any more. I do have to let the person know that I no longer need their services. I am calling the person tomorrow. Is it wrong of me to hope that I get their voicemail? I'm chicken. I don't know how to tell this person. This is what I rehearsed all night (I was so worked up I couldn't sleep).
"(Insert person's name here) I was calling to inform you that we will not be needing your services anymore. Several reports were filed with the probation office as well as my boss about your performance and the board has decided to terminate you. Please return your key in the mailbox outside the house. Thank You."
I don't want to sound mean. I am glad that this person will be gone, but I don't know how to do it tactfully and not seem like a you know what. Someone please offer me some advice.
It's now Thursday late morning. I called up the person I needed to let go to see if he could come in so we could talk. He said that he was unable to both today and tomorrow. I told him that I didn't want to do it over the phone, but since his schedule was so full.........Needless to say, he was not happy. He called my boss and told him to not be surprised when everyone else quits. There is only one other person who could quit. This person's girlfriend. To be honest, it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. Sure, I'd have to find someone to replace her, but that wouldn't be hard. I have a file full of perfectly good candidates who would love to have a job to work with these kids. It is a great resume booster. I think the reason he didn't care is because his degree doesn't have to do with this field. I have one employee in particular that loves this job, she is using it as a resume booster. She told me so, and I was happy. If I were an employer looking at a resume for someone in the juvenile justice field, I would be impressed if this was on their resume.
I guess it's good to have the whole thing over with. I don't like being yelled at, it's not my thing. I was shaking so bad after I hung up with him. He called my phone several times while I was talking with my boss and I kept ignoring his calls. I was in a meeting. I'm sitting here waiting for the phone to ring again. Why am I so nervous? I am in the right here. He did things to warrant his release, so why am I chicken. I think it's time for prayer.
"Dear Lord,
Please grant me the strength I need to deal with this situation. Allow me to handle the whole situation with grace and a steady head. Give me the wisdom and confidence to say the right things. Please allow my co-workers and employees to stand behind my decision and see that it is for the better. Please allow me to stay calm and not to get stressed.
here is a tip from: http://www.entrepreneur.com/humanresources/managingemployees/discipliningandfiring/article166644.html
Explain that the firing is “for cause,” but avoid going into detail about the grounds for termination. You don’t want to start an argument. Just point out that the employee did not attain the goals you wanted them to reach in their latest “performance review.” If the employee objects or becomes defensive, say simply “I’m sorry, but my mind is made up.”
Good luck c!
I personally think that if there's any way to do it, it should be done in person. I know it's hard, but imagine yourself getting a voicemail telling you you're fired. Or even just picking up the phone one day to hear that. Have the person come in and tell them in person. Do it in the sherriff's office so you're not alone, and get the key right then. Otherwise, change the locks.
That, or write a termination letter and mail it. Just don't do anything over the phone than schedule an appointment.
The only advice I can give you is to do it as quickly as you can get the courage to do it (i agree, in person or at the least live on the phone).
You'll continue to feel like crap until its over... but after that you'll feel incredible. So keep the feeling like crap to a minimum and JUST DO IT! Seriously... that's my best advice.
If he keeps bothering you, file a harassment report.
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