Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Love My Job (Not Being Sarcastic Either!)

I love my job. It has its struggles, but I love my job. For those who don't know I will attempt a Reader's Digest of what I do.

I run a school in Steuben County for students who struggle with the traditional academic setting. I work with students that range in age from 6th through 12th grade. Some students have issues with the law, some just can't hold their tongue in check when in school. I work with the students that most teacher try to avoid. I love my job. I love the non traditional student. At times the drama here can be RIDICULOUS but I think I might be bored if I were in a traditional school teaching the same thing for 7 hours a day. Due to the ratio of students to teachers (7.5 to 2) I am able to get to know my students on a more personal level.

I get emotionally invested in my students. I have tried not to, but it's not possible. It kills me to know the struggles they are dealing with, and at such a young age. I was fortunate enough to be raised in a home where my parents were married, had jobs, and cared about me. I was able to have a nice roof over my head and clothes on my back. I had food in my belly and parents that made sure I stayed on track academically. Growing up, I might not have appreciated all that I had, but I do now. Basically, I had people that gave a darn about me and held me accountable for my actions. I thought it would be easier to just not care about the kids and get jaded, but I can't do it. I do know that at time I get jaded, but I honestly try to avoid it. At times I wish I didn't care, it would make this job a lot easier, but I know these kids need someone to care about them, so I care. I know this will keep me awake tonight, but I am willing to shoulder that burden so that they know I care.

I know that for legal reasons I cannot share what I am dealing with today, but I can ask for prayer for my student. They are struggling and my staff and I finally pulled them aside and pieced the puzzle together. We are figuring out what the next step is. It could go in so many different directions and we are trying not to get ahead of ourselves. So I am doing what I do best, asking for prayer.

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