Saturday, January 21, 2006

More proof I am getting older

What do you get when you have two stubborn sisters born 7 1/2 years apart? Two very stubborn "only" children. After a conflict with my sister over Oreo I sent a very nasty email. At the time it felt nice to vent, but my lack of sleep that night proved me otherwise. I couldn't sleep. As much as we get under each others skin sometimes I realized that the things I said were hurtful and that a dog was getting in the way of our new adult friendship/relationship. I am finally seeing her as an adult not an overbearing older sister and I hope/think she is finally seeing me as an adult (I'm new at it and I make mistakes, but I am trying and I think she sees that now). I felt so guilty that when I left for work on Friday morning, I left Ayron a note telling him to email what I wrote to Nat. He emailed her what I said and now it seems like things should be ok. It will be hard for me to put behind me some of the comments, but I know some of the comments I made were hurtful too. I guess our mouths got the better of our brains.

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