All of my students are on their lunch break so I have time to do yet another silly email forward and post it to my blog.
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your spouse/boyfriend or girlfriend? Ayron (part of me thought, "do they want to know where he is? They did just ask where my cell phone is???"
3. Your hair? blech
4. Your mother? Work?
5. Your father? East
6. Your favorite thing? Taylor
7. Your dream last night? Work
8. Your favorite drink? Amaretto
9. Your dream/goal? Happiness
10. The room you are in? Office
11. Your fear? Failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Mommy
13. Where were you last night? Michigan
14. What you are not? Perfect
15. Muffins? Yummy.
16. One of your wish list items- Peace
17. Where you grew up? Auburn
18. The last thing you did. Yawned
19. What are you wearing? Clothes
20. Your TV? Crappy
21. Your pet. Hyper
22. Your computer? Government's
23. Your Life? Hectic
24. Your mood? Grouchy
25. Missing someone? Sister
26. Your car? drivable
27. Something you are not wearing. Glasses
28. Your favorite store? Changes
29. Your summer? Short
30. Your favorite color? Blue
31. When is the last time you laughed? Morning
32. Last time you cried. unsure.
33. Who will/would re-post this? Nat??
34. Who do you miss the most? many
35. Four places I go, over and over. Work, Sitter, Wal-Mart, Mom's
36. Four people who e-mail me: Aunt, Sis, Dad, Kelly
37. Four of your favorite foods: Fish, Salad, Deer, Potato
38. Four places I would rather be right now: bed, Florida, bed, Florida
39. Four people I think will respond: ???
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