Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Arg. It's one of those days.

I am blaming today on the grey weather and lack of sleep! It just seems like any little thing will set me off today.

First off, Ayron left at 4am this morning, so I have been awake since then. I tried to fall back asleep, but just couldn't.

Then I got up and got around in a hurry, only to discover that I had a two hour delay!

I came to work and when the students started arriving, I had an eighth grader staple himself. Yes, he stapled himself. So then I went off and we had a 30 minute lecture about growing up and acting our age. I know I rambled during that "lecture" but I was furious. Who staples themselves?

And now my problem student is back after being suspended and he is right back to his old ways. He will not follow basic instructions. It's not that he can't, he chooses not to. I was looking through his assignments and he completed a whole chapters worth of work in English. Why the big deal? It was for Spanish class. Needless to say he is not happy that I am making him redo it! If we say, "highlight parts a, b, and c." He will scribble out parts a, b, and c. I inquired with his counselor about ODD, but nope. She says it is typical middle school male. I don't buy it. I am not a licensed therapist or counselor or anything like that, but this kid is crying out for help and I am the only one attempting to listen. I say attempting because his antics wear me down and by the end of the day I just want him to go home and bug someone else. I have tried everything and every possible teaching technique and nothing works. I am at my wits end with this kid, yet I keep putting up with it!

So I blame it on the weather. Stupid icky weather.

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