Monday, February 02, 2009

Sick Day

I can't remember the last time I took an actual sick day. Sure, I used some sick days during my maternity leave, but that's different.

I "texted" in sick this morning. I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. Dayquil is helping, but my ears are still stuffy (I really can't hear anything), throat is still scratchy, and this lovely cough is persistent despite Mucinex.

So I was lazily starring at the tv this morning when I got a call from Ayron. Long story short, we might be going to Hawaii next week. Ok, get all your celebrations done now. We might be going to work. There won't be any sight seeing time, but at least I could say that I have been to the "main island!" We have arrangements for Taylor (thank goodness for grandparents) and we are looking into a kennel for Scooter. It could be interesting if it all works out.

Well, time for my next dose of Dayquil and time for nap #2 of the day!


todd helmkamp said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Natty said...

FYI: Mucinex will not help you to stop coughing. It will help to make the cough "productive." Which is exactly what you need right now.

your amateur wanna-be pharmacist...