Sunday, February 15, 2009


Marriage comes with in-laws. I am discovering the the dynamic between wives and their mother-in-laws is drastically different than husbands and their mother-in-laws.

I often felt that my mother-in-law thought I was not good enough for her son. Ayron had seriously dated someone before me and I often thought she was liked more by my mother-in-law than I was.

I am discovering that isn't the case. Since Ayron has started traveling I am seeing more eye to eye with my mother-in-law. She has called at least once a day to check on me. While I know that she is also looking for any excuse to see her grandson, it is nice to know she cares.

I also think the dynamic changes when grandchildren enter the equation. The dynamic shifts even more if you give birth to a gender of grandchild she doesn't already have (Ayron and I have a boy, Ayron's brother has three girls).

I hope this shift in the dynamic is a good one, so far I think it is. I think she may realize that Ayron and I truly love each other and are in this marriage for the long haul.

Well, my in-laws are on their way in to watch Taylor so I can have some me time. In her words, "We didn't know if you needed some alone time." Well, I think I shall use my "alone time" to shower and look like a human so that when Ayron comes home he doesn't run away screaming.

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