Friday, November 05, 2010

Messy House

I may not have a spotless house, but I will always have time to play with my children.

I may postpone sweeping just so I can rub my dog's tummy.

I will always have dirty dishes in the sink, but my family will never go hungry.

I may have dust on my entertainment center, but there will be no dust on my books.

I will always have dog nose prints and finger prints on my door, but I will have a son (and dog) who love to discuss the great outdoors.

There will always be laundry to do, but there will never be a shortage of cuddle time for my children.

There will always be toys scattered around the room, but the "tickle monster" will never go away.

I will never have a perfectly spotless house, but I will always strive to have a happy family.

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