Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Anniversary To Us!!

Today marks our second wedding anniversary. We went out to celebrate last night. We are not big "to doers" so we kept it low key. We went to Olive Garden and then walked around the mall. Ayron got me a cookie press, which I have always wanted. I got Ayron some Tanqueray Gin. Our friends introduced him to Gin and Tonics and he fell in love. Now, don't get thinking we are drinkers. We are far from it. We do enjoy a drink now and again though. I currently don't drink (doesn't go well with the whole trying to get pregnant thing) but Ayron occasionally will. He told me that is what he wanted, so that is what he got. We also got ourselves an air popper so we can make good popcorn, not that microwave stuff. Why not use the WhirleyPop you ask? Ayron tends to catch those on fire!

We had a low key day, but that's the way I like it. I was putting pictures into a big collage frame we got as a wedding present (Yes Kianne, I started putting in pictures of people I know) and most of the pictures are from the wedding. It was funny to think that it has been two years. It doesn't seem like it. We've been through so much in our 6 1/2 years together (2 years of marriage) and its exciting to think of what HE has in store for us.


Anonymous said...


Emily and I also use the Air Popper. We like it very much.

two wonderful years down, many, many more in the future!
God bless!

Pepper said...

Congratulations! I know how strange that realize how much time has gone by and to feel like you are getting old!

PS--I am glad you are finally putting to work that picture frame!!

Anonymous said...

It hit me the other day that you were coming up on 2 years and I was in total disbelief until I stopped and remembered back. Yep, 2 years alright. Where does the time go?

Happy Orneryversary! ;-p