This Saturday is spring cleaning pick up on my side of town. I know they say to not put out your "garbage" till Friday night or early Saturday morning, but we had a lot of stuff to go through. As we sorted, keep from garage sale and trash piles, we would throw the trash in big cardboard boxes. Once a box was full, I would close the top and haul it out to the corner of our property and stack it. Most of what we were getting rid of was trinket crap from when we were younger. Posters from the fair, stupid little toys from school give aways, etc.
We had already gone through our shed awhile back so we started to tackle the garage closet last night. We drug all of the rubber totes into the living room and started sorting. At 9:30 I was dragging the last box of garbage out to the curb. A woman in her mid to late thirties pulled up in a Cadillac and proceeded to go through every closed box (we had about 10 boxes of crap out by the curb). I didn't really care that she was going through the stuff, heck if she found something that would be useful to her, great! What I didn't like was the fact that her car was full of children. I am guessing between 3 and 6 years of age. They were hoping in and out of the car and running around, at 9:30pm! Our road is semi dangerous. There are no sidewalks and it's basically a great street to drag race on. People are always speeding down the road. There were several times (she spend about 20 minutes going through the stuff) that cars slammed on their brakes and honked at the out of control kids.
We have an old broken dryer to move out to the curb and I am willing to bet that it sits on the curb for all of 5 minutes before someone picks it up. If they can make it work, good. We knew what the problem was and the cost of fix it was more than what the 1970's dryer was worth!
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