Faking my way through parenthood and life while enjoying every minute of the insanity that is mommyhood.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
1% (Nikki Update)
This update is mainly for a family friend of ours who is spending Christmas out west, but also for those people who read this and then pass the information on to their prayer groups. The doctor had Nikki go through another set of x-rays yesterday and finally explained why they have been doing x-ray after x-ray and why they are leaving the neck brace on, even though it rests on her broken collar bone. While I don't know the medical terms (I'm sure my Aunt L does) here is what we were told. She has a fracture at the base of her skull, where her spine stops and skull begins. 90% of people who have this type of fracture would have NEVER made it out of the car alive, let alone live long enough to be alive when the medics arrive. Out of the remaining 10%, 9% of those people are paralyzed from the neck down. Nikki falls in the 1% group. She has the injury, but is expected to heal with minor effects (I say minor because she is alive and able to move). She sent her mother home for the night (the first time since the accident that she hasn't been there) and was able to really get some rest. She did a lot of physical therapy yesterday and was really inquisitive with her father about the accident. She was asking a lot of questions and her dad kept saying, "I don't know what I'm allowed to tell you." She was able to figure out that she did wreck her grandmother's new car, but that it wasn't her fault. Her emotions are back, so between figuring that out and realizing she was in the 1%, she cried a lot. She did partially pass her swallow test. She couldn't swallow a cracker, heck I don't blame her. She can now have pureed food and they did take out her feeding tube. The doctor said that at this rate, it is looking really good for her discharge on the 9th. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. While I know she and Phil aren't exactly religious people, I know that prayer helps. I am hoping that this accident and realizing all of the power people's prayers have had for her will bring her closer to Christ.
Praying for Wisdom
So, I've decided to spend the morning at the local coffee shop working. But my heart isn't in it. It's really hard for me to do the work I need to do if I'm not focused, and I'm not focused. So I've decided to do some blogging as a way of prayer, and then spend some time in prayer. I'm praying for wisdom, not only for myself, but for a friend of mine. I don't know how to approach the situation, but I do know that it needs to be done. Out of my group of friends, I can think of two other people that could help me, but they are probably still sleeping. This blog is hard because I don't want to reveal too much before I go and talk to this person. I've never really "confronted" someone before, but I know that you go at it alone first, then if they don't listen, you take another brother or sister. Is it wrong that I'm scared to be the person who goes first and alone? I feel this person is blinded from the truth and I want them to see the truth, but I don't know how to uncover their eyes. I've been in a similar situation, and they helped me through it, so I never thought they would end up where I once was. I thought they were wise to that type of situation, but apparently not. So I'm praying for wisdom.
God, grant me the wisdom and the knowledge of what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. I want it to make an impact, but not destroy our friendship. I also pray that You grant them the knowledge to be open minded when it comes to what I have to say. Help them realize that I am not out to hurt, but to help.
God, grant me the wisdom and the knowledge of what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. I want it to make an impact, but not destroy our friendship. I also pray that You grant them the knowledge to be open minded when it comes to what I have to say. Help them realize that I am not out to hurt, but to help.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Happy Holidays!!
Well, three Christmas parties down, one to go. We had Christmas with my dad on Saturday. It was crazy! Greg's nieces and their kids and significant others were there. We took Scooter and he did really well! He tried to play with the big collie, till he realized that in the collie's eyes, he was merely a chew toy! Ayron and I went down to the hospital on Sunday and saw Nikki. She is set to come home on the ninth. She is doing better and her physical therapy is helping. She is frustrated though because she feels she is talking slow. True, it's slower than her normal pace, but it is still at a decent speed. When we got home Ayron and I exchanged our gifts. He got me three funny t-shirts, a hoodie, a manicure set, and my big crock pot that I've been wanting. We spent Christmas morning with Mom and Natalee and then Christmas night with Ayron's parents and brother.
It is now 8:00am and I am sitting at the local coffee shop, Brew Daily, blogging and trying to get in the frame of mind to work. It is my day off and I was up at 7, I need help! I figured I'd work a bunch today and then take it easy the rest of the week.
Oh, I totally forgot about Friday night. We had our first annual Christmas semi-formal dinner at Michael's apartment. We ate dinner by candle light in his bedroom. Don't laugh. It was cool. It was Michael, Amy, Todd, Bethany, Ayron and I. It was very good! It actually helped me get in the mood to plan the Valentine's Day dinner we are going to have at our house.
It is now 8:00am and I am sitting at the local coffee shop, Brew Daily, blogging and trying to get in the frame of mind to work. It is my day off and I was up at 7, I need help! I figured I'd work a bunch today and then take it easy the rest of the week.
Oh, I totally forgot about Friday night. We had our first annual Christmas semi-formal dinner at Michael's apartment. We ate dinner by candle light in his bedroom. Don't laugh. It was cool. It was Michael, Amy, Todd, Bethany, Ayron and I. It was very good! It actually helped me get in the mood to plan the Valentine's Day dinner we are going to have at our house.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Finally Feeling Like Christmas
Earlier this week, I mentioned how it doesn't feel like Christmas time, but I have had a change of heart and Scrooge had fled my brain. While I'm not feeling 100% like the holiday, I am still excited about getting together with family. I'm excited, yet stressed. We have a million things to do and I'm not sure how we are going to coordinate them all.
Friday- Dinner at Michael J's with MJ, Amy, Todd, Bethany, Joe, and Jen: I am totally looking forward to this. Actually, I really just want to see how we are all going to fit around a table in the apartment!
Saturday- Christmas with Dad, Greg, and Dr. D., and Nat. This will prove to be an adventure because I am taking Scooter with us. No big deal, but add in Dad's daschund, and Dr. D's collie, and it should be enough to drive Dad crazy!!!
Sunday- I have no clue, but I'm sure something will come up
Monday- Opening stockings with Ayron (the dog is our present to each other), Christmas with mom, Christmas at the hospital.
Next Saturday- The Reeve's Christmas.
For those of you who are not married, marriage adds another whole dimension to the holidays. You not only have your family gatherings, but theirs as well. And if you parents are divorced, that adds another layer to the confusion. Oh well, at least I don't have to come into work. That will help. I think I will work, but take the Adam approach, I will look for the moments God sends me to stop for coffee, chat on line, sit in the park, etc.
Friday- Dinner at Michael J's with MJ, Amy, Todd, Bethany, Joe, and Jen: I am totally looking forward to this. Actually, I really just want to see how we are all going to fit around a table in the apartment!
Saturday- Christmas with Dad, Greg, and Dr. D., and Nat. This will prove to be an adventure because I am taking Scooter with us. No big deal, but add in Dad's daschund, and Dr. D's collie, and it should be enough to drive Dad crazy!!!
Sunday- I have no clue, but I'm sure something will come up
Monday- Opening stockings with Ayron (the dog is our present to each other), Christmas with mom, Christmas at the hospital.
Next Saturday- The Reeve's Christmas.
For those of you who are not married, marriage adds another whole dimension to the holidays. You not only have your family gatherings, but theirs as well. And if you parents are divorced, that adds another layer to the confusion. Oh well, at least I don't have to come into work. That will help. I think I will work, but take the Adam approach, I will look for the moments God sends me to stop for coffee, chat on line, sit in the park, etc.
Moving on Up...er...Down Part II
For those of you who are avid readers of my blog (all 5 of you) you may be wondering why I have been doing a lot of updating on Nikki. Here is my reasoning behind it. Many family and friends are traveling for the holiday and reading a blog is the easiest way they have of knowing how Nikki is doing. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be back to my normal, absent minded blogarieah in no time.
But for an update. They were supposed to move Nikki down to the 4th floor, which is the Orthopedic floor, yesterday. Neuro cleared her, started her on rehab/physical therapy, and then cleared her to move. We haven't been down to see her since Sunday because Ayron and I are both fighting the ickyies. I may cave and go to the doctor tomorrow. Anyways, Nikki is very with it. She remembers things she was told after the accident, which is a really good sign that her memory is still ok. She still hasn't mentioned the accident and we haven't asked her to recall anything. She is supposed to be in the Orthopedic floor for a minimum of two weeks and max of five weeks. She is such a tough person that it wouldn't surprise me if they discharge her after a week. We are planning to have a small Christmas in the hospital with her. Hopefully the cafeteria has some good food.
But for an update. They were supposed to move Nikki down to the 4th floor, which is the Orthopedic floor, yesterday. Neuro cleared her, started her on rehab/physical therapy, and then cleared her to move. We haven't been down to see her since Sunday because Ayron and I are both fighting the ickyies. I may cave and go to the doctor tomorrow. Anyways, Nikki is very with it. She remembers things she was told after the accident, which is a really good sign that her memory is still ok. She still hasn't mentioned the accident and we haven't asked her to recall anything. She is supposed to be in the Orthopedic floor for a minimum of two weeks and max of five weeks. She is such a tough person that it wouldn't surprise me if they discharge her after a week. We are planning to have a small Christmas in the hospital with her. Hopefully the cafeteria has some good food.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
So we all know that I like to blog and read blogs. So while I was reading Todd's I noticed the links he had set up to other blogs. I knew most of them, but one "Pain is Silence" stood out to me. Maybe it was the title, maybe it was the fact that I didn't know who was behind the blog. So I checked it out. It is written by an "unknown" teenager, although I think I know who it is. It is refreshing to read the thoughts of a teenager. Some may feel that reading the thoughts of a teenager would take all of...oh lets say 30 seconds, but no, this is different. This person has deep thoughts. It's cool to read the work of a teenager who is wise beyond their years. After reading several crappy History and Econ reports and feeling devastated about our education system, it's nice to find out that there are some teenagers who have profound thoughts. So, if you've got a lunch break to kill, or just are curious, check it out.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Something's Not Right
As I sat, grading papers this afternoon, it hit me...Christmas is only a week away. It doesn't seem like it. Maybe it's the lack of decorations in my house, or the absence of snow. Either way, do I really need things such as those to make it feel like Christmas? I have had the urge to put in my Clay Aiken (yea yea, shut up) Christmas c.d. and sing along, but it is packed away in a box. Do we, as a culture, need such frivolous and silly things to remind us that Christmas is coming? Shouldn't we feel the way we feel at Christmas all year long. Christ didn't come just for one day, he came for years, and he is still here. Shouldn't we feel grateful and full of love all year long? I'm sure some of us do, but why does it get stronger in December? I know, we are celebrating Christ's birthday, but shouldn't we celebrate Christ all year long? Since, I can't find an answer, I'll just blame it on the lack of snow.
Moving On Up...
to the seventh floor. They moved Nikki late last week and Ayron and I finally made it down to see her. Both of us have been feeling under the weather, and the last thing she needs is extra germs. She is now in the neuro wing on the hospital and they are checking for things concerning her left side of her body (where she took the impact). She still has her neck brace on, but it broke and as she says, "It stinks." They are replacing it today. The doctor is supposed to explain today what is broken and how it's broken. Is it a fracture, a clean break, etc. Hopefully, we can get some more answers and maybe she can get out of the c-collar. She does remember people and things that have been told to her since the accident (our puppy) but she hasn't asked about the accident, nor has she been asked about the accident. We don't know, what, if anything, she remembers. Maybe it is the brains wonderful way of blocking out harmful memories. I showed her husband the comment by Devery, who called 911, and he has some questions. If you have an email address, I could just email them to you, if not, we can continue our comment conversation. Let me know. My email address is princesscarmie@yahoo.com
Well I finally managed to get my copy machine working again so I better make some copies before my students get here.
PS: Only 3 days of work (after today) and I'm on Christmas break. Yes, I'll still work, but I can do it from home, in my pjs.
Well I finally managed to get my copy machine working again so I better make some copies before my students get here.
PS: Only 3 days of work (after today) and I'm on Christmas break. Yes, I'll still work, but I can do it from home, in my pjs.
Friday, December 15, 2006
I don't really know who you are, but I know that you are a blessing to our family!! I don't know how you were able to track me down and find out about Nikki, or as you call her, Nicole, but I am grateful you did! I don't know how to get in touch with you, but for now this works.
I would like to say thank you on behalf of my entire family. We are extremely grateful!! I am going to print out the comment you posted and take it to the hospital tonight. Just some background information you may not know, but could find interesting.
Nikki was less than a mile from home, she was going home to get ready to drive her afternoon school bus route. She is also a volunteer firefighter, medic, and president of the Spencerville Volunteer fire department. Her husband, is the assistant chief of the fire department. He heard the accident come across his pager, but he was working in Garrett at the time. The page didn't give a name, but he called Nikki to see if she was going to go on the run. When she didn't answer, he thought she didn't hear her phone. When her cousin, the head chief(they are all related somehow), got to the accident, he found her phone and realized that Phil had called her.
She is doing much better. She pulled out her feeding tube again, so they left it out. She is still in STICU, but they are planning on moving her to the 7th floor as soon as there is an open bed. They don't know when she'll be able to actually come home, but the fact that she is ok if fine enough for us.
I guess now that I've babbled enough, I'll actually try to find your blog.
I don't really know who you are, but I know that you are a blessing to our family!! I don't know how you were able to track me down and find out about Nikki, or as you call her, Nicole, but I am grateful you did! I don't know how to get in touch with you, but for now this works.
I would like to say thank you on behalf of my entire family. We are extremely grateful!! I am going to print out the comment you posted and take it to the hospital tonight. Just some background information you may not know, but could find interesting.
Nikki was less than a mile from home, she was going home to get ready to drive her afternoon school bus route. She is also a volunteer firefighter, medic, and president of the Spencerville Volunteer fire department. Her husband, is the assistant chief of the fire department. He heard the accident come across his pager, but he was working in Garrett at the time. The page didn't give a name, but he called Nikki to see if she was going to go on the run. When she didn't answer, he thought she didn't hear her phone. When her cousin, the head chief(they are all related somehow), got to the accident, he found her phone and realized that Phil had called her.
She is doing much better. She pulled out her feeding tube again, so they left it out. She is still in STICU, but they are planning on moving her to the 7th floor as soon as there is an open bed. They don't know when she'll be able to actually come home, but the fact that she is ok if fine enough for us.
I guess now that I've babbled enough, I'll actually try to find your blog.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Yark at School Day?!
So I'm wondering if I missed an important calendar day that all other teacher's know about. Is today "Yark at School Day?" Did I miss the memo and press conference in honor of this day? I have two students who have decided to honor the holiday by being ill. So, in a couple of minutes, my attendance will plummet to 60% of my enrollment. I'm not even passing today. Truth be told, I don't feel all that well myself. I think I'm on a Lysol high. After everyone decided to be ill, I decided to cover every surface in my "school" with a thick coating of disinfectant. Well, now that you've had your daily dose of gross out, I think I'll attempt to get back to work.
Pictures of the Puppy
We took several pictures Tuesday night so that we had pictures of Scooter to take to the hospital to show Nikki. When they move her upstairs, then we can actually take him. We did go down to the hospital last night, with Michael J and Amy (thanks for the house warming presents). She was having a MRI but they allowed us to stay after visiting hours so that we could actually see her. She is awake more, talking (although her speech is slurred), and still fiesty. She has a feeding tube, which she decided she didn't want yesterday, so she pulled it out. She yanked out her own nasal gastric feeding tube. Makes me want to sneeze just thinking about it. She was all excited when we told her we had gotten a dog. So without furthur babeling....here are pictures of Scooter Reeves.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Yesterday was a great day for Nikki. All of her tubes are out and she's doing well. She asked for applesauce, but then decided she didn't like it because they wouldn't add any cinnamon on it. So she had ice cream instead. Well I have a lot of grading to catch up on, so I better get going.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Scooter Reeves
So everyone has been telling us to have kids, since we are so great with them. So we decided to have a kid. I decided that I wasn't ready for the nine months of feeling ill, so we bought one. Scotter is our son. He is a bassett hound and he was born six weeks and four days ago. I searched on the net, and this is the closest I can find of a picture that looks like him. This is not him, but a dog that has similar markings. 

Ayron's dad just called and we have good news! They took all of the breathing tubes and feeding tubes out of Nikki. She is attempting to talk, but her throat is sore. They are taking her down for another scan and all is doing very well. Thanks for the prayers.
Oh yeah, I'm ont the parent of a 6 week 4 days old basset hound named "Scooter." He is so stinkin cute!!
Oh yeah, I'm ont the parent of a 6 week 4 days old basset hound named "Scooter." He is so stinkin cute!!
Here are some random things from the past couple of days. They may not make sense to you, but they'll make sense to other people.
* Apparently I have bloggereah (the blogging version of diarrhea)
* The prune eating contest would have been funny, since it wasn't me volunteering to compete
* The lounge at Parkview is not a pleasant place to try to sleep
* Thanks for all the prayers, they are working!!
* I'm getting a basset hound!
Nikki is doing better. They have drained the fluid from around her lungs and put her on an antibiotic. They are fighting a pretty big infection and fever. A new scan shows that her neck and skull may not be fractured and that her collar bone is fine, she still has three broken ribs. She is breathing on her own, but her broken ribs prevent any deep breathes so she is still on the vent for help. She has her eyes open more yesterday than in the past four days combined. She remembered Steve, the angel that pulled her from the car. She also recognizes her children's voices, which is cool but also a very tearful moment. She does recognize Ayron's voice, as well as mine. She tends to not let go of hands. She does get rambunctious. She threw a pillow at a nurse and tried to take off her heart monitor wires, so they had to soft restrain her arms again. We are all hanging in there and we know it's going to be a long recovery, but we have faith and prayers to help us through. The woman that caused the accident came to the hospital Sunday and talked to Nikki's mom and Phil, Nikki's husband.
Now on to good news, I'm getting a puppy. Maybe. We are going to check them out this morning and if we find one we like, we are getting it. We are looking at a liter of basset hound puppies. I am really excited! Well I should get ready to go see them!
* Apparently I have bloggereah (the blogging version of diarrhea)
* The prune eating contest would have been funny, since it wasn't me volunteering to compete
* The lounge at Parkview is not a pleasant place to try to sleep
* Thanks for all the prayers, they are working!!
* I'm getting a basset hound!
Nikki is doing better. They have drained the fluid from around her lungs and put her on an antibiotic. They are fighting a pretty big infection and fever. A new scan shows that her neck and skull may not be fractured and that her collar bone is fine, she still has three broken ribs. She is breathing on her own, but her broken ribs prevent any deep breathes so she is still on the vent for help. She has her eyes open more yesterday than in the past four days combined. She remembered Steve, the angel that pulled her from the car. She also recognizes her children's voices, which is cool but also a very tearful moment. She does recognize Ayron's voice, as well as mine. She tends to not let go of hands. She does get rambunctious. She threw a pillow at a nurse and tried to take off her heart monitor wires, so they had to soft restrain her arms again. We are all hanging in there and we know it's going to be a long recovery, but we have faith and prayers to help us through. The woman that caused the accident came to the hospital Sunday and talked to Nikki's mom and Phil, Nikki's husband.
Now on to good news, I'm getting a puppy. Maybe. We are going to check them out this morning and if we find one we like, we are getting it. We are looking at a liter of basset hound puppies. I am really excited! Well I should get ready to go see them!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
So I was feeling a bit ill yesterday and I had this feeling that I couldn't shake. I had just commented to my students about having those feelings that just don't go away when the phone rang. It was Ayron telling me that my sister-in-Law, N, had been hit by a semi. Someone ran a stop sign and a semi swerved to miss them, but his back tires hit ice and the back of the trailer took off the front of N's brand new car. I thought I was going to vomit. I left work, met Ayron and my mother-in-law, and we picked up her kids. That was the worst moment, telling the 10 and eight year old that mommy was hit by a semi. We spent the evening in the hospital in Fort Wayne. To make a long story short, she has a broken vertebra, a fracture at the base of her skull, her collar bone is broken, and three broken ribs. They are keeping her in a medically induced coma so she can rest, and they have her on a breathing machine. So far there has been no swelling in the brain, her pupils are equal and reactive and this morning she was able to wiggle her toes and fingers.
Ayron and I were talking on the drive home and he said, "Now I know how all of those people feel in those medical shows, I always thought they were over acting, but now I get it. I was so mad that the hospital was having a Christmas party while N was just laying there, injured, swollen, etc." I started thinking about his comment while I was trying to get some sleep. I found myself being mad at God. How could He? She hadn't done anything wrong! She's the one who helps people in accidents (shes a medic and firefighter) not the one that needs help. I was so angry. I still kind of am. Why her? Why someone who has three little girls? Is this God's way of trying to bring P, N's husband, back to Him? I know that God has a plan for everything, but right now I'm not seeing it. Maybe my frustration is blinding me, maybe I'm not supposed to see it.
I would like to thank Michael J and Joe for praying with Ayron last night. Michael, a big thanks for driving half way down to the hospital to see us. I'd like to apologize for my inability to make Chex Mix for Quest tonight. I was going to, but at three am, all I wanted to do was sleep. I don't know if we'll make it to Quest tonight, so if we don't, pray for N and our family.
I discovered that the accident was on the local radio's news. Here is what I pulled from their website.
(UNDATED) - Two people were injured yesterday when a tractor-trailer rig crashed into a pair of vehicles at State Road 101 and County Road 64 in DeKalb County. DeKalb County Police say 36 year old Lisa Bryant of Butler was stopped at the intersection when pulled her jeep into the path of a semi driven by 54 year old Carl King of Avilla. After striking the jeep, King's semi then went into a skid and jack knifed before it collided with a car driven by 31 year old Nicole Shull of St. Joe. Shull's car was pushed into a utility pole. She had to be freed by rescue workers. Shull was flown to Parkview Hospital with head and chest injuries. Bryant suffered a shoulder contusion while King was not injured. The crash, which took place at about 12:25, is still under investigation.
So I guess the police were able to piece together what actually happened. Is it wrong to be upset that the person who caused the accident only has a shoulder injury while Nikki is in STICU?
Still more information. People keep calling me (work people) telling me where they heard, this is what Froggy (the Auburn radio station) has on their website.
St. Joe Woman Injured in Crash Another car crash yesterday left a St. Joe woman seriously injured. It happened on S.R. 101 at C.R. 64, when a semi collided with another vehicle, flipping it onto it's side. The semi jack knifed and struck a third vehicle driven by 31 year old Nicole Shull of St. Joe, pushing her car into a utility pole. Shull was airlifted to Fort Wayne with injuries to the head and chest.
I became curious and checked out the kpcnews.com website and they have a picture, but since I don't subscribe the the paper, I can't get the picture big enough to make sense of it. I'll have to stop and by an Evening Star on the way home.
Ayron and I were talking on the drive home and he said, "Now I know how all of those people feel in those medical shows, I always thought they were over acting, but now I get it. I was so mad that the hospital was having a Christmas party while N was just laying there, injured, swollen, etc." I started thinking about his comment while I was trying to get some sleep. I found myself being mad at God. How could He? She hadn't done anything wrong! She's the one who helps people in accidents (shes a medic and firefighter) not the one that needs help. I was so angry. I still kind of am. Why her? Why someone who has three little girls? Is this God's way of trying to bring P, N's husband, back to Him? I know that God has a plan for everything, but right now I'm not seeing it. Maybe my frustration is blinding me, maybe I'm not supposed to see it.
I would like to thank Michael J and Joe for praying with Ayron last night. Michael, a big thanks for driving half way down to the hospital to see us. I'd like to apologize for my inability to make Chex Mix for Quest tonight. I was going to, but at three am, all I wanted to do was sleep. I don't know if we'll make it to Quest tonight, so if we don't, pray for N and our family.
I discovered that the accident was on the local radio's news. Here is what I pulled from their website.
(UNDATED) - Two people were injured yesterday when a tractor-trailer rig crashed into a pair of vehicles at State Road 101 and County Road 64 in DeKalb County. DeKalb County Police say 36 year old Lisa Bryant of Butler was stopped at the intersection when pulled her jeep into the path of a semi driven by 54 year old Carl King of Avilla. After striking the jeep, King's semi then went into a skid and jack knifed before it collided with a car driven by 31 year old Nicole Shull of St. Joe. Shull's car was pushed into a utility pole. She had to be freed by rescue workers. Shull was flown to Parkview Hospital with head and chest injuries. Bryant suffered a shoulder contusion while King was not injured. The crash, which took place at about 12:25, is still under investigation.
So I guess the police were able to piece together what actually happened. Is it wrong to be upset that the person who caused the accident only has a shoulder injury while Nikki is in STICU?
Still more information. People keep calling me (work people) telling me where they heard, this is what Froggy (the Auburn radio station) has on their website.
St. Joe Woman Injured in Crash Another car crash yesterday left a St. Joe woman seriously injured. It happened on S.R. 101 at C.R. 64, when a semi collided with another vehicle, flipping it onto it's side. The semi jack knifed and struck a third vehicle driven by 31 year old Nicole Shull of St. Joe, pushing her car into a utility pole. Shull was airlifted to Fort Wayne with injuries to the head and chest.
I became curious and checked out the kpcnews.com website and they have a picture, but since I don't subscribe the the paper, I can't get the picture big enough to make sense of it. I'll have to stop and by an Evening Star on the way home.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
More Songs
As I was posting the last blog, I realized that two more songs have been weighing on my mind and heart. I don't know if I'm supposed to share them, but I don't know what else to do with them. They are constantly in my head, and I need to get some work done sometime today!!
Twenty four oceans
Twenty four skies
Twenty four failures
Twenty four tries
Twenty four finds me
In twenty-fourth place
Twenty four drop outs
At the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty four hours ago
Still I'm singing
Spirit take me up in arms with You
And I'm not who I thought I was twenty four hours ago
Still I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
Twenty four reasons to admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses still twenty four strong
See I'm not copping out not copping out not copping out
When You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now
And You're raising these twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts
But I wan to be one today
Centered and true
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now
And You're raising the dead in me
I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me
Twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts.
I'm not copping out.
Not copping out.
Not copping out.
I Need You To Love Me
why, why are You still with me?
didn't You see what i've done?
in my shame i want to run and hide myself
but it's here i see the truth i don't deserve You
but i need You to love me,
and i won't keep my heart from You this time
and i'll stop this pretending
that i can somehow deserve what i already have
i need You to love me
i have wasted so much time
pushing You away from me
i just never saw how much You could cherish me
cuz You're a God Who has all things
and still You want me
Your love makes me forget what i have been
Your love makes me see who i really am
Your love makes me forget what i have been
This post requires a bit of background information. I love music, all types. I also agree with a recent post by Adam about music. I do go through phases, and right now I am being drawn back into my love for music. I find it thereputic, I use it as a means of prayer and praise. Since I am at work alone for two hours each morning, I bring music (the radio frequencies from the jail interfeer with using the normal radio). This week I have been hooked on Switchfoot. I can't stop listening to it. "Beautiful Let Down" is on repeat in my player and constantly going. Normally I don't like to listen to the same cd over and over, but this week, I have. I don't know if God is trying to tell me something, so I keep listening and paying better attention to the lyrics hoping to discover why I have been so attached to this cd. One song in particular really gets me. I don't know if there is something I need to "hear" from that song or if by this post, the lyrics will reach someone else. So I've given up trying to figure it out myself and decided just to post the lyrics and see what happens.
Tell you where you need to go
Tell you who you need to be
Tell you what you need to know
Tell you when you’ll need to leave
But everything inside you knows
Says more than what you’ve heard
So much more than empty conversations
Filled with empty words
Chorus: And you’re on fire
When he’s near you
You’re on fire
When he speaks
You’re on fire
Burning at these mysteries
Give me one more time around
Give me one more chance to see
Give me everything you are
Give me one more chance to be... (near you)
Cause everything inside looks like
Everything I hate
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I’ll take
When I’m on fire
When you’re near me
I’m on fire
When you speak
And I’m on fire
Burning at these mysteries
These mysteries...
I’m standing on the edge of me (x3)
I’m standing on the edge
And I’m on fire
When you’re near you
I’m on fire
When you speak(yea)
I’m on fireBurning at these mysteries...
Tell you where you need to go
Tell you who you need to be
Tell you what you need to know
Tell you when you’ll need to leave
But everything inside you knows
Says more than what you’ve heard
So much more than empty conversations
Filled with empty words
Chorus: And you’re on fire
When he’s near you
You’re on fire
When he speaks
You’re on fire
Burning at these mysteries
Give me one more time around
Give me one more chance to see
Give me everything you are
Give me one more chance to be... (near you)
Cause everything inside looks like
Everything I hate
You are the hope I have for change
You are the only chance I’ll take
When I’m on fire
When you’re near me
I’m on fire
When you speak
And I’m on fire
Burning at these mysteries
These mysteries...
I’m standing on the edge of me (x3)
I’m standing on the edge
And I’m on fire
When you’re near you
I’m on fire
When you speak(yea)
I’m on fireBurning at these mysteries...
Everyone Should Do This!!
This is an email that was sent to me by my boss and I thought it would be helpful to a lot of people.
REMINDER....13 days from today (this was sent to me yesterday), all cell phone numbers arebeing released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale calls. .....YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLSTo prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.It blocks your number for five (5) years.You must call from the cell phone number you are wanting to have blocked.You cannot call from a different phone number.HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS
REMINDER....13 days from today (this was sent to me yesterday), all cell phone numbers arebeing released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale calls. .....YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLSTo prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.It blocks your number for five (5) years.You must call from the cell phone number you are wanting to have blocked.You cannot call from a different phone number.HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS
Oh No!!
Have I become dependent on Wal-Mart?? It seems that I assumed I had a lot of items that I don't. Moving has taught me other wise. So I got to work this morning and I began to make a shopping list. Shovel, Chex cereal, nuts, shampoo, parchment paper, etc. I automatically titled my list "Wal-Mart." That scares me! I've always been the type of person who would rather support a local shop than a big chain. In Auburn, that is hard to do. All of the grocery stores are chains, and Wal-Mart does provide one stop shopping.......guess I'll have to give up and go to Wal-mart.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Requests for Quest
So I trying to decide what to take to Quest this Friday night. If you don't know what quest is, here is a brief description stolen from Nathan.
"...the monthly gathering of 18-29 year olds on a journey to encounter God."
Last time I made puppy chow and everyone loved it, well I'm assuming since the bowl was empty when I took it home. I am trying to decide if I want to make puppy chow again. Here is a list of snacks I have contemplated bringing. I guess I'll bring which one wins the most "votes"
A) Puppy Chow
B.) Chex Mix
C.) Stained Glass Cookies
D.)Apple Pie
Let me know which one you want for Friday.
"...the monthly gathering of 18-29 year olds on a journey to encounter God."
Last time I made puppy chow and everyone loved it, well I'm assuming since the bowl was empty when I took it home. I am trying to decide if I want to make puppy chow again. Here is a list of snacks I have contemplated bringing. I guess I'll bring which one wins the most "votes"
A) Puppy Chow
B.) Chex Mix
C.) Stained Glass Cookies
D.)Apple Pie
Let me know which one you want for Friday.
It's a miracle
So I took a mental health day from work yesterday (it was planned and I had a sub so don't worry) and Ayron usually has Tuesday's off, so we went to Fort Wayne and went Christmas shopping. We got a lot of our shopping done!! Yeah!! As tired as I was, it was fun.
I know that it is hard to believe, but I've hit that stage, well it was about 3 years ago, where it's no longer about the getting but the giving. I guess I take after my mother that way (although I will never fold up the wrapping paper, this only makes sense if you know my mother). I enjoy making a list and thinking of the perfect gift for each person. I also enjoy the hunt of finding that perfect gift. I was struggling with what to get a friend of mine for Christmas. We have only known each other for about 7 months, but we are getting close and doing more things together. So I called a mutual friend of ours, he gave me a suggestion, but I couldn't find it. As I was wandering around the store hoping that something would jump off the shelf at me, it did. Not joking. I was talking to God and thanking him for these new friends in my life and asking him for some guidance with the gift buying situation. I had looked at a particular item several times, but always put it back on the shelf. As I began to walk away, the item flew off the shelf and landed on the floor. I looked up and muttered, "Very funny Lord!" You see, I believe God has a sense of humor and this was His way of getting my attention, and it worked. I also bought myself a present while we were out and about. I decided that I needed to read Blue Like Jazz since I've heard so many things about it, so I bought it. Hopefully I can get it read in the next week or so and then I can understand all of the references people make to it!
I know that it is hard to believe, but I've hit that stage, well it was about 3 years ago, where it's no longer about the getting but the giving. I guess I take after my mother that way (although I will never fold up the wrapping paper, this only makes sense if you know my mother). I enjoy making a list and thinking of the perfect gift for each person. I also enjoy the hunt of finding that perfect gift. I was struggling with what to get a friend of mine for Christmas. We have only known each other for about 7 months, but we are getting close and doing more things together. So I called a mutual friend of ours, he gave me a suggestion, but I couldn't find it. As I was wandering around the store hoping that something would jump off the shelf at me, it did. Not joking. I was talking to God and thanking him for these new friends in my life and asking him for some guidance with the gift buying situation. I had looked at a particular item several times, but always put it back on the shelf. As I began to walk away, the item flew off the shelf and landed on the floor. I looked up and muttered, "Very funny Lord!" You see, I believe God has a sense of humor and this was His way of getting my attention, and it worked. I also bought myself a present while we were out and about. I decided that I needed to read Blue Like Jazz since I've heard so many things about it, so I bought it. Hopefully I can get it read in the next week or so and then I can understand all of the references people make to it!
Our first night
So we actually spent our first night in our house last night! It was odd. Things are still in boxes, our living room is a maze of half unpacked boxes and old packing material. As we were watching the news, Ayron commented on how it felt like we were staying in a hotel. It is an odd feeling. I know that "this is not our home" feeling will go away once we get stuff unpacked and slowly get settled into a routine. It's still nice to have a place of our own though.
Monday, December 04, 2006
We Did It...
but not without help. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to the glassesless Nathan Diehl who helped us move on Saturday. Most of our clothes are still at Ayron's parents' house, but other than that, we are done. We have yet to actually spend the night in the house because we are beagle sitting for my mom until tomorrow, so it's just easier to stay at her place, that and we haven't really begun to unpack anything at our house!
I did manage to drag my tired behind to work today. It's gonna be one of those days. No matter how positive and upbeat I try to be about the day, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen, and here's why. I have court today, court automatically brings your day down a notch on the "good day" scale. I came to work early to get stuff around for tomorrow (not going to be at work) and my trust, yet temperamental, desktop will not boot-up. I'm about ready to boot it out the window. So I decided to get the stuff I needed off the "back up" computer. It won't print! I am enrolling a new student today, who does not want to be here, so that will be a thrill. I don't have any work for the new student to do because it was emailed to me, and I can't print it off! I have to get all of the work ready for 5 students for tomorrow and think of every possible thing that could go wrong, and plan for that as well. I'm wondering if it would be easier just to come into work tomorrow, NOPE! I am taking my day off and getting all of the odds and ends that go along with moving done. I have to have my driver's license changed, which should waste about half of my day off. Then A and I are going to Fort Wayne to finish Christmas shopping and pick mom up from the airport around 6:30. I just wish I could fast forward to the end of today!
** Update**
It is amazing what prayer can do. After I blogged and before I began my crazy day, I spent a couple of minutes meditating. It helps me calm down. Now I don't do the traditional, clear your mind of all thoughts meditation. I just lay on my back, on the floor, arms at my side, eyes closed, and pray. I've gotten wise about praying for patience, so I prayed for serenity and guidance. I immediately saw his work in my life. I had court, normally I'd be all stressed out, worrying about testifying, etc. I was calm. I talked to the attorney, probation officer, offending student, etc. Court went well. I came back to the house, found a way to print out materials even though my computer is dead (thanks to Brooke for letting me use her computer), got tons of work around for my students to do tomorrow, enrolled a student, and I am now waiting for another student to come so I can enroll her! So a big thanks goes out to the BIG GUY upstairs.
I did manage to drag my tired behind to work today. It's gonna be one of those days. No matter how positive and upbeat I try to be about the day, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen, and here's why. I have court today, court automatically brings your day down a notch on the "good day" scale. I came to work early to get stuff around for tomorrow (not going to be at work) and my trust, yet temperamental, desktop will not boot-up. I'm about ready to boot it out the window. So I decided to get the stuff I needed off the "back up" computer. It won't print! I am enrolling a new student today, who does not want to be here, so that will be a thrill. I don't have any work for the new student to do because it was emailed to me, and I can't print it off! I have to get all of the work ready for 5 students for tomorrow and think of every possible thing that could go wrong, and plan for that as well. I'm wondering if it would be easier just to come into work tomorrow, NOPE! I am taking my day off and getting all of the odds and ends that go along with moving done. I have to have my driver's license changed, which should waste about half of my day off. Then A and I are going to Fort Wayne to finish Christmas shopping and pick mom up from the airport around 6:30. I just wish I could fast forward to the end of today!
** Update**
It is amazing what prayer can do. After I blogged and before I began my crazy day, I spent a couple of minutes meditating. It helps me calm down. Now I don't do the traditional, clear your mind of all thoughts meditation. I just lay on my back, on the floor, arms at my side, eyes closed, and pray. I've gotten wise about praying for patience, so I prayed for serenity and guidance. I immediately saw his work in my life. I had court, normally I'd be all stressed out, worrying about testifying, etc. I was calm. I talked to the attorney, probation officer, offending student, etc. Court went well. I came back to the house, found a way to print out materials even though my computer is dead (thanks to Brooke for letting me use her computer), got tons of work around for my students to do tomorrow, enrolled a student, and I am now waiting for another student to come so I can enroll her! So a big thanks goes out to the BIG GUY upstairs.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Fellow Teachers
I am seeking advice from fellow teachers and instructors. I feel that I have done the right thing, but this morning I was chastised by my aide about actions I took yesterday morning. Here is some background information as well as what happened yesterday, let me know if you think I did the right thing.
My handbook clearly states that drugs and/or alcohol are not permitted on the grounds of my "school." They are also not to come to school under the influence of any illegal substances, including alcohol (none of my students are 21). The handbook also clearly states that students are subject to drug screens if suspicion is proved.
Keep in mind the following students is only 13 years old and is here for intimidation charges. I have already caught this student smoking cigarettes in the bathroom on his first day here. Yesterday when he was picked up, my aid noticed an odd aroma, once being a hippie, he knew the smell was not second hand cigarette smoke. He asked the student, and the student admitted that he was high. When asked if he could pass a urine test, the students laughed and said, "Nope." My aid continued to ask where, when, and how it happened, the student kept changing his story, finally setting on one that involved him smoking it with his step mother. His step mother wasn't even home yesterday morning. He came to class, and I noticed his eyes, munchies, and odd smell. He is normally very focused and loves to get work done. He was giggling and causing my other students to loose focus. So I checked my suspicions with my aid. My aid admitted that he knew but didn't want to tell me and that we should give the student a "get out of jail free" card. I explained to my aid the handbook rules and reminded him that the student used that card when he was caught smoking in the bathroom! I had him drug screened, and no big shocker, he tested positive for THC. He is no longer allowed in my program.
I feel I did the right thing, so why does my aid feel the need to chastise my decision?
My handbook clearly states that drugs and/or alcohol are not permitted on the grounds of my "school." They are also not to come to school under the influence of any illegal substances, including alcohol (none of my students are 21). The handbook also clearly states that students are subject to drug screens if suspicion is proved.
Keep in mind the following students is only 13 years old and is here for intimidation charges. I have already caught this student smoking cigarettes in the bathroom on his first day here. Yesterday when he was picked up, my aid noticed an odd aroma, once being a hippie, he knew the smell was not second hand cigarette smoke. He asked the student, and the student admitted that he was high. When asked if he could pass a urine test, the students laughed and said, "Nope." My aid continued to ask where, when, and how it happened, the student kept changing his story, finally setting on one that involved him smoking it with his step mother. His step mother wasn't even home yesterday morning. He came to class, and I noticed his eyes, munchies, and odd smell. He is normally very focused and loves to get work done. He was giggling and causing my other students to loose focus. So I checked my suspicions with my aid. My aid admitted that he knew but didn't want to tell me and that we should give the student a "get out of jail free" card. I explained to my aid the handbook rules and reminded him that the student used that card when he was caught smoking in the bathroom! I had him drug screened, and no big shocker, he tested positive for THC. He is no longer allowed in my program.
I feel I did the right thing, so why does my aid feel the need to chastise my decision?
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