Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Moving on Part II

For those of you who are avid readers of my blog (all 5 of you) you may be wondering why I have been doing a lot of updating on Nikki. Here is my reasoning behind it. Many family and friends are traveling for the holiday and reading a blog is the easiest way they have of knowing how Nikki is doing. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be back to my normal, absent minded blogarieah in no time.

But for an update. They were supposed to move Nikki down to the 4th floor, which is the Orthopedic floor, yesterday. Neuro cleared her, started her on rehab/physical therapy, and then cleared her to move. We haven't been down to see her since Sunday because Ayron and I are both fighting the ickyies. I may cave and go to the doctor tomorrow. Anyways, Nikki is very with it. She remembers things she was told after the accident, which is a really good sign that her memory is still ok. She still hasn't mentioned the accident and we haven't asked her to recall anything. She is supposed to be in the Orthopedic floor for a minimum of two weeks and max of five weeks. She is such a tough person that it wouldn't surprise me if they discharge her after a week. We are planning to have a small Christmas in the hospital with her. Hopefully the cafeteria has some good food.

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