Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It's a miracle

So I took a mental health day from work yesterday (it was planned and I had a sub so don't worry) and Ayron usually has Tuesday's off, so we went to Fort Wayne and went Christmas shopping. We got a lot of our shopping done!! Yeah!! As tired as I was, it was fun.

I know that it is hard to believe, but I've hit that stage, well it was about 3 years ago, where it's no longer about the getting but the giving. I guess I take after my mother that way (although I will never fold up the wrapping paper, this only makes sense if you know my mother). I enjoy making a list and thinking of the perfect gift for each person. I also enjoy the hunt of finding that perfect gift. I was struggling with what to get a friend of mine for Christmas. We have only known each other for about 7 months, but we are getting close and doing more things together. So I called a mutual friend of ours, he gave me a suggestion, but I couldn't find it. As I was wandering around the store hoping that something would jump off the shelf at me, it did. Not joking. I was talking to God and thanking him for these new friends in my life and asking him for some guidance with the gift buying situation. I had looked at a particular item several times, but always put it back on the shelf. As I began to walk away, the item flew off the shelf and landed on the floor. I looked up and muttered, "Very funny Lord!" You see, I believe God has a sense of humor and this was His way of getting my attention, and it worked. I also bought myself a present while we were out and about. I decided that I needed to read Blue Like Jazz since I've heard so many things about it, so I bought it. Hopefully I can get it read in the next week or so and then I can understand all of the references people make to it!


Anonymous said...

i just started reading Blue like Jazz last night. really good stuff!
good point about penguins, too!

Anonymous said...

Penquin Sex!!! If you've read the book... you will be laughing now...

Carma said...

I don't understand the penguin sex comments!? I was going to wait until Christmas break to begin the book, but dang it, I'm starting it today!!