So I took a mental health day from work yesterday (it was planned and I had a sub so don't worry) and Ayron usually has Tuesday's off, so we went to Fort Wayne and went Christmas shopping. We got a lot of our shopping done!! Yeah!! As tired as I was, it was fun.
I know that it is hard to believe, but I've hit that stage, well it was about 3 years ago, where it's no longer about the getting but the giving. I guess I take after my mother that way (although I will never fold up the wrapping paper, this only makes sense if you know my mother). I enjoy making a list and thinking of the perfect gift for each person. I also enjoy the hunt of finding that perfect gift. I was struggling with what to get a friend of mine for Christmas. We have only known each other for about 7 months, but we are getting close and doing more things together. So I called a mutual friend of ours, he gave me a suggestion, but I couldn't find it. As I was wandering around the store hoping that something would jump off the shelf at me, it did. Not joking. I was talking to God and thanking him for these new friends in my life and asking him for some guidance with the gift buying situation. I had looked at a particular item several times, but always put it back on the shelf. As I began to walk away, the item flew off the shelf and landed on the floor. I looked up and muttered, "Very funny Lord!" You see, I believe God has a sense of humor and this was His way of getting my attention, and it worked. I also bought myself a present while we were out and about. I decided that I needed to read Blue Like Jazz since I've heard so many things about it, so I bought it. Hopefully I can get it read in the next week or so and then I can understand all of the references people make to it!
i just started reading Blue like Jazz last night. really good stuff!
good point about penguins, too!
Penquin Sex!!! If you've read the book... you will be laughing now...
I don't understand the penguin sex comments!? I was going to wait until Christmas break to begin the book, but dang it, I'm starting it today!!
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