Tuesday, December 19, 2006


So we all know that I like to blog and read blogs. So while I was reading Todd's I noticed the links he had set up to other blogs. I knew most of them, but one "Pain is Silence" stood out to me. Maybe it was the title, maybe it was the fact that I didn't know who was behind the blog. So I checked it out. It is written by an "unknown" teenager, although I think I know who it is. It is refreshing to read the thoughts of a teenager. Some may feel that reading the thoughts of a teenager would take all of...oh lets say 30 seconds, but no, this is different. This person has deep thoughts. It's cool to read the work of a teenager who is wise beyond their years. After reading several crappy History and Econ reports and feeling devastated about our education system, it's nice to find out that there are some teenagers who have profound thoughts. So, if you've got a lunch break to kill, or just are curious, check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its http://dustinsblog.wordpress.com

Pain is Silence is in my top 3 favorite blogs.