Thursday, February 22, 2007


I'm wondering when people will start viewing me as the inexperienced young person. I usually am the youngest person in the groups that I associate with. I am wondering why when something goes wrong, all fingers point to me since I'm "new" or "young." Why can't "old" people fess up when the mess up? Case and point. I enrolled a new student. I hesitated to enroll the student because she was not coming to me through the proper channels. I even made my concerns known to the "old" people. Why do they decide a week later to call me and tell me that I did something wrong? I questioned the process a week ago, they told me to go ahead, so I went ahead. Now I'm getting fingers pointed at me? Why can't they just admit they messed up and didn't follow the proper channels? It is easier for them to place the blame someplace else? In this job, I have to look professional and follow the channels, that looks good to the Judge. Now I could end up looking like a shmuck because I did what I was told (by my "higher ups") in front of the judge. Thanks a lot "old" people.

** As soon as I hit publish and ventured away from my blog, I stumbled across someone else willing to shove their "older" advice at me. I AM 23, I CAN MAKE MY OWN CHOICES WITHOUT NEEDING YOUR OPINION OR MUTTERED COMMENTS. If I need or want someones opinion, I'll ask. Sure, you may consider yourself wiser just because you're older, but let me live my life. I let you live yours with very minimal negative talk from me, so why can't you do that for me?

Why does it upset me so much to confront these types of "old" people? Maybe it's because I view elders with respect. Even so, it is possible to respectfully give your opinion, but I guess I just always feel like I'm disrespecting them. As soon as I get the nerves to voice my opinion, I feel guilty. I shouldn't have to feel guilty for living my life the way I feel it should be lived. Am I right or just emotionally upset due to recent hurt?

1 comment:

todd helmkamp said...

If the judge questions you about it, I would certainly tell him/her the truth. AND, that you questioned it. And remember, eventually they'll sink their own ship. Stupid, lazy, dishonest people always do.