Friday, January 25, 2008

New Book

I was finally able to make it to the library this week and I found an interesting new book. The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible.

It is by the same gentleman that wrote The Know It All after reading a complete set of encyclopedias. As I stared to read the book I wondered if I should read it.

While I am strong in my faith, my knowledge of the Bible is not as strong as it should be. I cannot quote lots of scripture of the top of my head and I'm not afraid to say, "I'm not sure, let me ask someone who does know."

I have been pulling up the Bible on line to check the context of the verses he has used so far. If nothing else, it should be a good read and it does make me check my lack of knowledge with THE BOOK!

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