Here is an email I just received from the mom of one of my friends.
"Happy New Year! This year is already proving to be eventful......
It has been an interesting couple of days. You may know that L hasn't been feeling well for nearly a week. She is 7 months pregnant and her doctor thought she had an infection (treatable). Yesterday, not feeling any better, she went back to see the doctor.
She was put in the hospital, just for overnight, still thinking it was an infection. This morning she was told that it was not an infection but she had begun premature labor. She was put on medication to stop the labor and released to go home to complete bed-rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.
The baby is doing great (he kept kicking the monitor patches) but her body is saying enough is enough and wants it to be over with..........hmm....... She is only allowed to be up to use the restroom and a 10 min. shower each day. The rest of the time she is either in bed or laying down on the couch. Her only outing will be once a week to the doctors office. They are shooting for at least one more month before he comes.
L is hoping that you will come visit whenever you can. Within the next day or so she will have a laptop and can access her email. Also, she has her cell phone by her side.
Right now she is in good spirits but I think that may not last long for her or J(her husband).
Your prayers are most appreciated."
After reading it twice, I began to cry. I'm not sure why. But it hit me. That could be me! She is only 2 weeks furthur into her pregnancy than me. It's all becoming a reality now. I'm not scared, but it is an interesting experience to realize all that could happen.
This whole thing has defienatly been a spiritual experience for me. Knowing that my body is helping to create and support a life without me thinking about it. It's amazing. You really begin to comprehend the awesome power of God.
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