Monday, January 21, 2008

Thoughts on Hockey

Friday night was fun. We went to a Komets game with J and K. I have been to 3 games before, but never paied attention. I actually watched the game this time. I have come to several conclusions about the sport of hockey and the fans.

1.) It really is a sport for people with anger managment issues. There was only one fight, but it escalated from a scuffle to a fight in the blink of an eye. I can't decide if as a hockey player you have no patience and thats why fights happen or you have a lot of patience and you are the few who don't get into fights? Not sure on that one yet.

2.) The refs must be former figure skaters. I saw the refs do several neat moves to avoid blocking the puck. I also think that if I were a ref, I'd be wearing more than a helmet. I'm talking full pads, face mask, everything!

3.) Drunk fans are funny, maybe, to a point! We had some drunk college age people behind us. I think they spent more time climbing up and down the stairs in their attempts to carry beer back than they did sitting watching the game. Oh, and language. Language doesn't usually bother me. Look at who I work with. But when the only word you can utter is the "f bomb" it's time to shut your cakehole. You just sound stupid! We all know you are drunk (we can do math. 5 beer runs, with 2 beers each equals 10 beers....) there is no need to prove to us you are a stupid drunk!

4.) Fans are also willing to make a fool of themselves playing silly in-between period games sponsered by the local businesses. We saw a taco race, a hockey puck shooting game, etc. Fans, unless you have practice, IF YOU RUN ON THE ICE, YOU WILL FALL!!

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