At work I was superwoman. I did it all. I didn't need to do it all, but I did. Needless to say I got burnt out. Maternity leave allowed me to see that. I was forced to give up control and forced to deligate duties. I wasn't good at it, but it got done and all went well while I was gone.
Now that I'm back I feel out of place. I have given up my "martyr" status and am allowing those around me to help. They are helping so much that I don't really have anything left to do. I did some catch up things, but my daily tasks are taken care of. Heck, they've even created a more systematic way of doing my daily tasks. It's odd to not feel like I have to do it all or nothing will run smoothly. I'm realizing that I must trust my staff and allow them to make mistakes. I guess I was fearful that if mistakes were made I would be to blame. I am learning that is no longer the case.
With this program we kind of make up the rules as we go. Each student/case is different and needs to be handled differently. A hard set of rules doesn't really work here and I must be willing to forget that notion. While a set of basic rules is in place and followed, there are so many situations that each case must be tailored. I used to spend my days tailor and handling each case, planning each curriculum, teaching, grading, recording and reporting. Now it looks like my staff has it all figured out (except the court reports which is fine by me).
So what do I do? My days are no longer filled with running between offices like a chicken with it's head cut off. I am finding time to do those "little things" that are always at the bottom of my "to do" list but never get done. Case and point, I'm going to go clean out both fridges. Who knows what I'll find in there....I'm afraid.
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