Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indy 500

Ayron and I were lucky enough to attend the Indy 500. This was my first time and Ayron's second. Thanks to Josh and Kelly for taking us!

It was cool to feel the power of the cars going around the track. You could feel it in your chest and the breeze the cars made was a nice way to cool off in the sun! I must say that I did learn some things while on the trip.

1.) Drunk frat boys are more annoying at the Indy 500 than they are on campus.
2.) Danika could have kicked that guys butt if track security would have let her!
3.) High school swim team running concession stand = free food because they never came and
took our money.
4.) Crawling under a fence could get you arrested. "The cops will be here in five minutes."
5.) Parking in some guys back yard turned out to be a very good parking spot.
6.) Josh can fit in our trunk (picture to come soon)
7.) It's amazing what can be said and misconstrued while stuck in traffic.
8.) Never tick Josh off and then use a port-a-potty. He knows how to get revenge if need be.

The drive down was easy, it was the drive home that took awhile. It actually wasn't that bad getting away from the track. But I-69 was really slow for no reason. It was fun to make fun of the motorcycle people ahead of us. After a day in the sun people can say some silly things. Then again, a lot of silly things were said before we even got to the track.

1.) Wanna lick my suction cups? (referring to the window shade we have for Taylor that never
stays up.
2.) Nothing like putting on a Darth Vader mask and prancing around the football field.
3.) Up to the lake (you had to be there.)
4.) I was reading in Cosmo......(funny because Ayron said it so matter of factly)

I'm sure they'd be funnier had you been in the car with us. Here are some pictures and more to come.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe...this post made me laugh out loud. Of course, I was there and know how hilarious these moments were.