Pink eye loves me. This is my third go around with it in years. This time I don't know where I "caught it" from. No one I know has it (unless they aren't telling me) and none of my students have it. Blech. I was lucky enough to have my doctor call in a script for the drops.
What really irritates me is the fact that I had to throw out my last pair of contacts because of it. I am long over due for an eye exam but I keep putting it off. Guess I have no choice now. I am wearing my glasses, but they keep sliding down my nose and I just plain hate wearing glasses. My eye doctor and my eye doctor connections moved to S. Carolina so I will begin the hunt for a new doctor this afternoon. I don't have vision insurance so part of me is looking for cheap, but then again, you don't always want to go cheap when it comes to your health. Anyone have a doctor to suggest?
I am considering Wal-Mart. I guess since I haven't paid for vision care in a while so I was shocked by the price.
I was talking to a co-worker and rumor is there is a place in Angola that gives good discounts to county government employees.
Either way I am stuck with glasses till next pay check. We are paying off some bills and just getting out from debt and stretched ourselves tight this last pay period. Ayron's traveling and bonuses will help though! I should have just caved and gotten the surgery, but NNOOOO. I am a wuss.
Go to Wal-Mart in Auburn. Seriously. You have to pay up front for the exam...but you can do payments on the glasses and additional contacts in a layaway-type thing. The doc is a really nice older man, or used to be unless they hired a new one, and the ladies that work the front are good too.
You could always go to walmart. I used to know someone that worked at the vision center and it didn't seem that bad. - Tyler
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