Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am deaf

My right ear is clogged. It doesn't hurt, but it is clogged. I can hear myself in my head, but can't hear things around me. It is more annoying than anything. I know it is because my ear drum is swollen/inflated. I was so close to just grabbing a screw driver last night night and jamming it in my ear. I didn't, but I really wanted this feeling to go away. So my right ear is 100% blocked and my left ear is functioning at about 50%. I don't have time for a doctors appointment, but I fear I may need to make one. They don't crackle or pop, and no fluid is leaking out.

HELP!! Besides puncturing my ear drum what can I do?!

At about 11 my ears went from annoying to painful so I drove myself on over to the local "doc in a box." I was not impressed.

The doctor said, "This normally happens to people after they have been swimming or flying. Have you done either recently?" My response: "I haven't swam in 2 years and flow in 5." She had the nerve to respond with, "Are you lying to me?"

What the heck? Yea, you caught me. I was lying about both. I hopped my private jet and flew to my family swimming pole in the Hamptons last night. Seriously?!

She was a big grandmotherly type lady with big grandmotherly type bosoms to match. She kept smushing my face into them while checking my ears and throat. No thank you ma'am, I have a set of those myself and I am not interested in yours!

She kept talking into my right ear (the one that feels 100% blocked) and I had to keep asking her to switch sides of the table and then she got annoyed. Well, my chart says "Right ear feels plugged" so lets not talk into the plugged ear!

When she was obviously done with her diagnosis, I again stressed, "My ear really hurts and it is driving me nuts. Is there any type of over the counter or prescription drop I can put in to help with the pain?" She said, "Do what I told you for 10 days and then if it's not better come back." Yeah, I don't think so. I will try her combo of over the counter meds, but I will not be going back there if I am still having problems.

I did not enjoy being treated like a drug seeking college kid. Yes I was dressed in a hoodie and sweatshirt (I felt like crap this morning and just didn't care to put on work clothes), but don't talk to me like I am stupid. I was using correct terminology and I am intelligent and a child of a nurse, I know some medical terms.

Then, I had to sign my life away at wal mart just to get a box of sudafed. I am thankful for the new "sign here" policy when it comes to drugs used to make meth, but it is a constant reminder how some idiots have ruined it for the rest of us.

Blech, I am grouchy. Time for my nap...but wait, I now get to go to the county heath department and get my next round of vaccines for work. I just want to go to bed!


Anonymous said...

Depends on if it's just fluid or if you think you're getting an infection. I help fight off ear infections by putting peroxide in my ear and letting it sit for about 10 minutes (itches like CRAZY!). Don't know if it would work for just fluid though.

Anonymous said...

Go to a store like GNC or a natural healing/holistic place and buy ear candles. They are these long thin strips of fabric coated in wax that are shaped sort of like a thermometer. They come to a hollow point at one end that you insert into your ear, then you light the top on fire, blow out the flame, and let them smoke. You would probably have to have someone help you as you have to snip off the burnt pieces as they get bigger. The smoke pulls all of the gunk out of your ear.
It sounds a little hokey - and I never would have believed it myself, but my little brother does it a couple of times a year and swears buy it. He has tubes in his ears and finds it's cheaper to remedy the problem that way that to make constant visit's to the doctor's office.

Kianne said...

Ear candling is gross. And the wax from the candles can get into your ear canal and cause a lot of problems.

Natty said...

Yeah, ear candling is NOT SAFE, especially to do at home on your own. I wouldn't recommend it, even going to a "professional" practitioner. I've just been trying to keep the fluids intake up, and also taking decongestants and expectorants. But I too still have "fuzzy" hears...