Friday, December 30, 2005

What if they don't match?

I have been thinking about taking a "spiritual gifts" test lately, but I find myself hesitating. What if those results don't match with my life? What if I find out that the gifts I have been given don't match those needed to be a great educator? Am I sunk? Will the last five years of my life be thrown away? If they don't match what do I do? It's not like I can fight God about it. Well, I could but I wouldn't be successful. My sister invited me and my husband to a conference for young adults at "her" convent and I really want to go but I just keep thinking, "What if they don't match?" I know that I should have faith and trust that it will work out for the best but I don't want to change my career path. I have worked hard to get to get where I am at and I don't want to leave it behind. I keep coming back to the same dichotomy. On one side it is "What if they don't match?" The other side is "I'm curious about what God has in store for me." I just wish I could completely take that leap of faith to find out what I am supposed to be doing with my life.


Anonymous said...

don't worry about what the test's a human test. you are doing what you are because you felt called to do it and that calling is all that matters. if some test doesn't match God's plan, then the test is wrong, not His plan. just remember, God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

Carma said...

See, I told you guys that Sarah is smart!!!