I am seeking advice from fellow teachers and instructors. I feel that I have done the right thing, but this morning I was chastised by my aide about actions I took yesterday morning. Here is some background information as well as what happened yesterday, let me know if you think I did the right thing.
My handbook clearly states that drugs and/or alcohol are not permitted on the grounds of my "school." They are also not to come to school under the influence of any illegal substances, including alcohol (none of my students are 21). The handbook also clearly states that students are subject to drug screens if suspicion is proved.
Keep in mind the following students is only 13 years old and is here for intimidation charges. I have already caught this student smoking cigarettes in the bathroom on his first day here. Yesterday when he was picked up, my aid noticed an odd aroma, once being a hippie, he knew the smell was not second hand cigarette smoke. He asked the student, and the student admitted that he was high. When asked if he could pass a urine test, the students laughed and said, "Nope." My aid continued to ask where, when, and how it happened, the student kept changing his story, finally setting on one that involved him smoking it with his step mother. His step mother wasn't even home yesterday morning. He came to class, and I noticed his eyes, munchies, and odd smell. He is normally very focused and loves to get work done. He was giggling and causing my other students to loose focus. So I checked my suspicions with my aid. My aid admitted that he knew but didn't want to tell me and that we should give the student a "get out of jail free" card. I explained to my aid the handbook rules and reminded him that the student used that card when he was caught smoking in the bathroom! I had him drug screened, and no big shocker, he tested positive for THC. He is no longer allowed in my program.
I feel I did the right thing, so why does my aid feel the need to chastise my decision?
You did the right thing. Your aid needs to be reprimanded, either by you or your superior. The actions taken and suggested by your aid are an extension of "parenting by emotion" ( in this case "disciplining by emotion")which involves decreasing or increasing a punishment dependant on your mood. This is innefective, and has been linked to a host of disorders, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Instead, seek "disciplining by principle" which involves no more and no less than the prescribed punishment, ensuring consistent boundaries and expectations.
Your aid is completely out of line, and completely off-base. That student needs to learn that there are consequences for his actions.
THANK YOU!!!!! He thinks that just because he taught college for one semester that he is a master educator. He doesn't even have a license. I am going to talk to my boss about what can be done. He got mad at me today because I told him he couldn't give information about a runaway student to that student's girlfriend's mom. Confusing I know, but none the less, IT'S NOT LEGAL! Sorry, needed to vent.
i suggest that you are potentially liable for your aide's loose lips. i would put an end to that right away. loose lips sink ships, and also cause loads of problems.
btw, i agree with you on the initial issue.
see you tomorrow...
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