So, I've decided to spend the morning at the local coffee shop working. But my heart isn't in it. It's really hard for me to do the work I need to do if I'm not focused, and I'm not focused. So I've decided to do some blogging as a way of prayer, and then spend some time in prayer. I'm praying for wisdom, not only for myself, but for a friend of mine. I don't know how to approach the situation, but I do know that it needs to be done. Out of my group of friends, I can think of two other people that could help me, but they are probably still sleeping. This blog is hard because I don't want to reveal too much before I go and talk to this person. I've never really "confronted" someone before, but I know that you go at it alone first, then if they don't listen, you take another brother or sister. Is it wrong that I'm scared to be the person who goes first and alone? I feel this person is blinded from the truth and I want them to see the truth, but I don't know how to uncover their eyes. I've been in a similar situation, and they helped me through it, so I never thought they would end up where I once was. I thought they were wise to that type of situation, but apparently not. So I'm praying for wisdom.
God, grant me the wisdom and the knowledge of what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. I want it to make an impact, but not destroy our friendship. I also pray that You grant them the knowledge to be open minded when it comes to what I have to say. Help them realize that I am not out to hurt, but to help.
1 comment:
Praying for you. Hope it went/is going well.
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