Well, we did it. We bought a Wii last night. We have been casually looking for one and decided if we ever ran across one we'd buy it.
As we were walking into Wal-Mart last night to buy a teething ring (yes, Taylor is teething at 9 weeks) Ayron said, "If they have a Wii, can I buy it?" I told him, "Yep" thinking that Wal-Mart never has them in stock and I would be safe. WRONG. I went to the baby aisle and ran into my ex and his wife. They have a baby boy and we were talking about life and how everything was going. I thought it was odd that Ayron hadn't come and find me. I walked to the electronics department to see Ayron with a big grin on his face.
In order to buy the Wii, we had to purchase an accessory. We bought an extra remote. This morning I had to return some things to Meijer so I browsed through the Wii accessories and bought a second numb chuck and controller covers. I can't wait to get home and make "Miis."
Don't forget to buy Dance Dance Revolution so we can hook the two pads up and go head-to-head in battle mode!
Um...NO. I have been banned from dancing in all 50 states as well as several countries across the pond.
I'll withhold that info from your 2 cousins who desperately want one, but have huge issues with things like time-limits and self-control! :-)
Ben, especially, shows me the "adult" "non-game" exercise pad for it...
Aunt L
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