Monday, January 26, 2009


I took a small road trip this weekend just to get out of dodge. While shopping I ran across a funny t-shirt. I decided to send a pic of the shirt with the caption, "We need to talk" to Ayron (who is out in Arizona on work).

Here is the shirt.

I thought I would get a phone call immediately. It was about 3 hours later my phone rang and Ayron was all out of breath.

A: "Do we need to talk?"

C: "I don't know, do we?"

A: "Oh my gosh we're pregnant!" - he was getting excited and talking really loud.

C: "Wait, wait, wait. We aren't pregnant, I just wanted to play a prank on you to see what you'd say."

A: " you're not pregnant?" - he was heartbroken!

C: "No, why, do you want me to be?"

A: "Yeah."

Let me end by saying that we are not trying to get pregnant. It is fun to watch TJ grow and he is learning so much. I can't imagine missing out on that because I was to sick to get up off the bathroom floor (I spent many nights on the bathroom floor when I was pregnant with TJ).

Also, to those of you struggling to conceive your first child, I have not forgotten you. You are in my prayers on a daily basis and I truly hope that you will soon be able to experience all that comes with having a child .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got more of a reaction than you expected! Has he recovered yet? :-)

Aunt L