Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Got A Brand New Hair Do

So I decided to get a brand new 'do yesterday. Thanks to Sara at Shear Expressions, I look totally different. It is short, maybe not short by any other persons definition, but for me it is. It is all flippy and really cute. Oh yeah, and I dyed it a really dark auburn brown color.

I walked in the door at home last night and Ayron didn't recognize me. Sara dried, styled, and curled my hair before I left. It was nice to spend some time on me.

My students are totally gonna flip when they see it, but that it kind of what I was going for. I think it worked.


So it's later in the day, and I realized that the only people who noticed my hair were males. Typically males are the less observant sex. My male student went, "Wow! Cool hair!" I went to my other office and my secretary and office assistant didn't notice. But my totally non observant boss (I'm not kidding. You could be dying on his desk and the odds of him noticing you are slim) went, "I think you look different. I don't know why, but I like it."


Anonymous said...

what, no photos?


Carma said...

I don't have a way to post photos here at work. You'll just have to wait, just like everyone else.

BTW: We won't be at church Saturday night. We are working at the "Dice and Dine" as dealers.