Monday, April 02, 2007

Crazy Monday

Last week was Spring Break so I had a lazy week. I took two days off and then worked the rest of the time. I thought I had prepared myself for returning to work with students this week, but boy was I wrong. It's only 12:30, but the day has already been crazy!

One of my students was put on actual home detention over spring break, so he has a lovely anklet and box to carry around and I have daily forms to complete on him.

One student who we thought would leave (he turned 18) actually showed up.

One student managed to get himself locked up.

One teacher in the night program called in for tonight, so I had to cancel the night program.

My day trip for training was turned into an over nighter (cool by me, I don't have to pay for it).

I totally forgot I had a grant that is due this week and I just started it this morning.

I wish I could take a real vacation. Go to an island where no one can contact me (I can contact them, but only if I really want to) and just veg for a week.

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