Friday, March 30, 2007

Administrative Crap

I have been working on rearranging my evening staff for about two weeks now. I know that I will have an intern this summer and I wanted to add another teacher so that no one was over loaded working more than they really wanted. I have four interviews for 1 position. I talked to my boss this morning and we decided on a candidate, but I had the unfortunate task of calling the others. That was hard for me. They all were lovely people, and any one of them would be excellent here in our program, but the one we hired just stood out a little more. She sent a thank you note in the mail, the same day of her interview!

I'd much rather do the teaching than all of this administrative stuff. I do realize that it does give me excellent experience and that after working this job, teaching in a public school system again should be a breeze!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I've ever been called to tell me I didn't get the job. The call has usually been for the job offer, and the denial comes in a letter in the mail. Perhaps that's a cop out, but it sounds a whole lot easier than what you just had to do...